Intergalactic Lawyer

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"They probably took him back to Hala, the Kree home world," Scott said with a deep glare. "We can make good time if we hurry — Wiccan, do you think you can give us a boost again?"

"Why not America?" K said as she turned to Scott. "Can't she do something to help on this one? Because good time ain't gonna cut it."

Scott looked America's way, and she rolled up her sleeves with a nod. "We'd have to go through a few dimensional backdoors. Hala's pretty well insulated," she said. "Recently, anyway. They got the Supremer back up and running, and that thing hates ... well. My kind of infiltration."

"But you can do it?" Scott asked, both eyebrows raised.

"Not usually, but I can make it work for something like this," she said, her eyes narrowed. "We just have to stop through a couple dimensions that want to kill us. Nobody minds that, right?" America asked the group at large.

"Not even a little bit," Logan growled out as he stood next to K, still holding onto Jubilee.

America just nodded and raised both hands as her eyes started to glow and a huge, white star appeared in front of her. She kicked through it, and the whole thing shattered to reveal a darkened wasteland on the other side. "Everybody in," she called out. "I can only hold it open for so long."

The wedding guests wasted no time in diving through the newly opened portal before America started to take them through several dimensions that looked like they'd been decimated until she got around back to their own. "It's not an exact science," she told K over the rush of wind in a particularly dismal dimension where every step sounded like bones under their feet. "But I'm gonna try to put us right in the capitol city."

"I trust you," K assured her with Logan nodding along side her, and Jubilee trying to pull herself together.

America nodded and pulled up one last star, her brow scrunched in concentration before she shattered it with a kick and led the way through as the group of still barefooted wedding guests tumbled into the streets of Hala. Kitty immediately grabbed several of the group and pulled them through the buildings so that they were in the shadows, while Kurt and the bamfs took hold of everyone else to get them hidden in the shadows as well.

"If I wasn't so pissed off I'd kiss you," K told her, flashing her canines at America as the bushy-haired girl put both hands on her knees, bent over and clearly worn out from the effort.

Still, when she heard it, America grinned up at K. "Maybe when we get back."

"You're on," K promised. "You have so earned it."

America chuckled just the slightest as Logan offered her a hand and smirked her way. "Careful what you wish for," he advised before the group started to move through the city streets.

The scene was desolate, particularly for Hala, but the group somehow managed to keep out of sight as they moved. Scott was next to the ferals, leading the pack, and after he saw the way K's head snapped toward the first bit of local movement, he realized he needed to set some ground rules. "No biting anyone," Scott told K under his breath, though she waved him off.

"Where the hell are we going anyhow — or are we just destroying the city?" K asked looking at the tall alien architecture surrounding them.

"It's probably best if we don't start a war with the Kree," Scott pointed out. "But if they're putting him on trial, it'll be in the capitol — we've been there before."

She turned to look at him expectantly and just stared at him, and he nodded her way and led the way down the streets, looking over his shoulder for a moment as he told her. "Might be a bit slower than you're used to. The atmosphere here has much less oxygen than on Earth, so you might get tired faster."

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