Ben leaned over and said something to Beverly, who smiled softly. "We're going upstairs to get drinks. What do you guys want?" Beverly announced. "Coke?" I asked. "Uh... I think we have some cans." He shrugged and the two of them walked upstairs.

I sat crisscross on the couch and pretended I didn't notice the two boys staring at me. Finally Richie broke the silence. "I've been... thinking about this for like these past days I've known you." He shook his head. "You— there's like a hundred hot guys in this town and you chose Bill... I don't get it." He mumbled. Stan laughed quietly. "I don't think I like him anymore. It's been a stupid crush for like a year but now that I've met him..." I shrugged. "Liking him just seems fake now." I said quietly. "Fake? What does that mean?" Richie asked. He seemed genuine. Usually he was not as polite. "Like... I don't like him anymore. But I'm trying to convince myself I do. Cause I've liked him for so long." Richie shook his head. "Why would you want to—" he trailed off. "I really don't know." I said quickly. "What about you, Rich? Like any girls?" Stan asked, changing the subject. "No..." he trailed off, fidgeting slightly. "Oh you totally do!" Stan yelled. Richie shoved him, a smile forming on his face. "I most certainly do not, Stanley." He said in a posh British accent.

Beverly and Ben walked down the stairs, five cans of coke in their hands. They passed them out to all of us. I tapped the top of the can before popping it open. "What were you talking about?" Beverly asked. "Iris's undying love for Bill." Richie said. I smacked his shoulder. "Oops." He said. "Yeah... I don't know if I even want a boyfriend right now." I told them. Stan raised an eyebrow. "So if somebody like— I don't know... Joey Mcintyre asked you out right now you'd say no?" Ben asked. Joey Mcintyre was in New Kids on the Block. I snickered to myself. "Would you say no?" I countered. "Yeah...? I mean if he wanted to hang out I'd say yes." Ben raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I would say no." Beverly choked on her drink. "You'd say no to him?!" She asked in disbelief. "I just said, I don't want a boyfriend right now! It's not just about looks." I trailed off. Richie and Stan were both completely silent. It was strange. Of all people, I thought Richie would've chimed in with something inappropriate. "Joey Mcintyre is beautiful— don't get me wrong. I mean... guys with curly hair are beautiful— you're welcome Stan—" Stan smiled. "Yeah thanks."
I shook my head. "But I mean..." I shrugged, trying to figure out how to change the subject. Stan sensed my discomfort and cleared his throat. "You guys wanna watch a movie? Ben?" Ben nodded and walked up the stairs. Beverly followed him. A few seconds later, Richie stood up and gave Stan a pat on the back. "You guys stay here." Richie said before standing up and running up the stairs. I stood up and brought my coke over to the couch. I took a sip and then set it on the wooden table next to me. "You can sit next to me, Stanley." I said when he didn't move from his spot on the floor. "Sorry." He said quietly. He sat down next to me and placed his Coke next to mine on the table. I felt uncomfortable— I could sense his eyes on me. "Stop watching me." I said loudly. He jumped. "I'm kidding." I mumbled. "Knock yourself out." He laughed quietly. "Sorry." I widened my eyes at him and smiled. "Stop fucking apologizing. It's hard to be an awful person when there's people like you." Stan scoffed, a smile smile appearing on his face. "People like me?" He questioned. "Yeah— you're like so... freaking nice—" I said. "Only to you." He said quietly. He was so terribly smooth with his words. "Oh come on! That's such a lie. You've got to be nice to everyone with— the way you are..." he raised his eyebrows. "The way I am? I call Richie a bitch behind his back all the time." I scoffed. "Behind his back? To who? Eddie?" Stan laughed. "No! To all my friends." I crossed my arms, an amused look crossing over my face. "What friends?" I asked quietly. Stan stared at me for a second before we both burst out laughing.

"What's funny?" Beverly asked as she came down the stairs. Ben and Richie followed close behind her carrying stacks of movies. "Jesus Christ Ben. I thought we were watching one movie..." Ben smiled. "We were. We just wanted some options." In front of him, Ben had about twenty movies. At least half of them were 70s chick-flicks. But I recognized the other half. Movies like E.T, 16 Candles, Ghostbusters, Stand by Me... the list went on.

"Breakfast Club? Benjamin! This is rated R!" Richie exclaimed, putting a hand over his chest in mock astonishment. "My Dad died a while ago so all I have is chuck-flicks. They're good movies though." I shrugged. "I liked The Breakfast Club... unlike Richie apparently." Richie smirked. "Don't get me wrong, great movie, it's just... why would you need John Bender when you have me?"

Richie was nothing like John Bender. Aside from inappropriate jokes, Richie lacked what Bender had: good looks, the ability to wear six layers of clothing and not break a sweat, and the ability to get any girl— even someone as reserved as Molly Ringwald's Claire.

I didn't say any of that to him though.

As Ben slid the vhs tape into the slot, Beverly turned off the lights. I was sitting between Stan and Richie. On the right of Stan was Beverly and Ben.

About halfway through the movie, I noticed that Stan had fallen asleep next to me. He had curled up into a ball and his mouth was open slightly, emitting soft snores.

He almost looked cute. Almost.

As I stared at him, I didn't even notice that Beverly was staring at me, a knowing look in her eyes.

I didn't even notice that Ben's palms were sweating from nerves (he was sitting next to Beverly).

I didn't even notice that Richie wasn't staring at the girls on the screen or making lewd comments. Quite the opposite actually.

All I noticed was the way Stan's hair went every which way— how I just wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it was as soft as it looked. I noticed how perfect his facial structures were. I noticed him for the first time and not in the way it had been before.

As I stared down at him, one of his eyes opened. He smiled at me, one eye opened and sat up. "Sorry. I'm just tired." I nodded, turning to face the screen.

As soon as the movie ended, Richie turned on the lights and stood up to stretch.

"What time is it?" Stan asked before yawning. "It's... 9:24." Ben said after studying the clock on the wall. I jumped up from my spot on the couch, causing Stan to fall. "My brother... fuck!" Beverly stood up and grabbed my arm. "Let's go!" Bev said, grabbing my arm. We said brief goodbyes to our friends and then we were off.

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