Chapter 9 - #CakeLL

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"Let's go to that weird shop." I said. "Just for you."

"Sure, but I realize that you handed me your jacket."

"I realize that." I said while looking up at him. "Let's go now?"

"Alright, but I bu-"

"Nope." I cut in. "I'm buying you that sweater."

Calum just huffed and walked out the door, holding the door on the way out. I walked through it and once he locked it, he jumped onto my back.

" need to tell me when you'll do that." I said, mumbling.

"Remember the first time I met you?" Calum asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Cal, you and Mikey hated me and Ashton stoood up for me. What is this? Hey! It's four o'clock! Time to make fun of Luke!" I sarcastically said. Calum just laughed.

"Luke, I meant the good parts. Sorry, if you don't want me to ment-"

"I remember how your face looked, wanting to stand up for me, but risking to loose your best friend." I interrupted. "I remember that you, Mikey, and I were forced together and we found a lot in common. I remember all of it, every single detail."

Calum looked up at me and smiled. "I thought you had forgotten."

"I'd never forget the moment we became friends because I thought that it would never happen."

(Michael's POV)

"Mikey! Come here!" Ashton yelled across the store. People started to look at us and I just flashed a smile, making sure that no teenage girls would pop up and hug me to death.

"Ash, you have to be quiet." I said to him as I walked closer. "What is it?"

"You know about Luke and the love letters right." 

"Yeah, I kind of figured it out myself."

He shoved a small piece of paper into my hand and I took a look at it. This was clearly from Luke to Calum.

"Why do you have this?!" I whispered a yell to Ashton. "This is Luke's thing."

"I'm the delivery guy. Luke gives it to me, I give it to a person, and the person gives it to Calum." Ashton retorted. I thought about it for a second and I realized that was the only explanation. Ashton would never try to ruin our friends love lives. 

"Okay, okay. Who do you plan on giving it to?" He pointed at the blonde female cashier.

"I called her up earlier today and she said that she'd love to help. Once they come in, I'll give it to her."

"What if they don't come in?"

"Michael, don't worry I texted Calum and he told me that he's on his way with Luke."

I shrugged and went to the other side of the store as Ashton admired the rest of the gifts from the small shop. I pulled out my phone and sat on a bench. I scrolled through twitter and saw the trending hashtag. #CakeLL. I opened up the hashtag to see what it meant. CakeLoveLetters. 

It took me a while, but I scrolled down to the first hashtag of the CakeLL and saw the profile of a blonde lady, her tweet reading:

@AmayraGTH: Met with @Ashton5SOS today. Love letters are spreading. #cakeLL (twit pic)

I looked at the amount of retweets and the profile picture. It matched. Her exact face, makeup, and clothes were in her profile. I stared at the lady, working at the counter and back to my screen. Identical.

I walked over to Ashton, in a very angry expression. He looked at me confused and I shoved my phone into his hand and took Luke's note to Calum. I'm delivering this myself.

Ashton looked over my phone, about one million times, and walked over the counter.

"What the hell? Do you know what don't say anything means?" Ashton shouted. "I can file a claim. I don't need your help anymore." Ashton started swearing at her and that was my cue to pull him away. She started fake crying. Ugh, stupid fakers.

"Don't fake me GTH." I hissed. "Maybe GTH aren't your stupid boyfriends initals. Go to Hell."

Ashton pulled me away before she could speak, her mouth opened wide, and she left the counter to go to her break. I took out my phone and tweeted quickly.

@Michael5SOS: @5sos @twitter Get rid of our hashtag, now. :(

As soon as I tweeted it, twitter responded after five minutes by taking the hashtag away and banning the Amayra girl off twitter for a few days after I explained. Ashton and I did this just in time.

"Hey guys!" Luke yelled. Calum waved and smiled at Ashton and I. Did they switch jackets? 

None of them knew what happened on twitter so luckily, no harm was done to the two of them. 

"Hey Cal, a guy, wearing all black and a ski mask wanted me to give this to you." I told him awkwardly. Luke looked at what I gave Calum and glared at Ashton and gave one to me as well. 

"Can you r-"

"Yes." Calum interrupted Ashton.




You know your in love when you can't fall asleep

because reality is finally better than your dreams.

I live by that every single day.

And I know it's true, but how about you? - Your Man, Your Admirer



As soon as Calum finished with the note, Luke came back with a brown plastic bag and handed it to Calum. 

"Here's the sweater. I told you I wouldn't let you buy it." Luke smiled.

"Thanks Lukey." Calum teased. Luke rolled his eyes and snatched the note from Calum, pretending to read it as if he had never seen it before. He tossed the note to Calum and his smile returned.

"Should we go back to the cabin. I'm freezing." Ashton shuddered. 

"I agree." I told him. "Winter sucks di-"

"-a lot!" Luke chimed in. I gave him a confused expression and he eyeballed towards the toddlers just down the aisle. Oh. Whoops.

All of us exited the door and the walk back to the cabin was really quiet. Calum was still fiddling around with his note, as Ashton and Luke looked like they were going to freeze to death. I just laughed silently to myself and smirked when I saw Calum take out the previous four letters. These two were really attatched.

And Ashton and I were planning to get them attatched, even further.


And that's chapter nine!

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I just had to add a little drama & two POVs

Amayra sucks, I'm not going to add her in again..

or will I....

Anyways, Bai! <3 Xx

My Man, My Admirer (Cake Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin