"It's okay to talk about it Lou, we're here to listen" Harry tells him.

"It's fine" Louis says in reply.

Harry and Edward let it go not wanting to push Louis but hoping it's a good sign that he started talking. Soon enough Edward is pulling into their garage.

Louis looks around as they enter and sees five cars inside the garage already, it's massive and all the cars are extremely expensive.

Harry opens the passenger door and picks Louis up again, Edward holds the door to the garage open and they walk inside. The house is big but extremely homey, it's warm and cosy and smells like cinnamon.

They enter a marble hallway that leads onto a huge kitchen and sunken lounge room, joined together. The lounge area is three steps down off the kitchen and has grey carpet and a white lounge, with a fireplace under the mounted flat screen TV. The kitchen is modern yet old English style, with black cupboards and marble bench tops with all the latest appliances.

Edward leads them through the kitchen and towards another sitting area and a huge carpeted staircase, they walk up and the railings along the top floor allow you to see below. They walk down a carpeted hallway and pass another lounge room and what looks like a music and games room. They then come to a door and stop.

"This will be your room Lou and we are right across the hallway okay" Edward says, pointing to a set of double doors and the end of the corridor.

Louis nods and Edward opens the door to the room.

Louis gasps, its huge. He has his own queen size bed to the left against the wall, it's covered in grey and white bedsheets and pillows. The carpet is a dark grey colour and the walls are white, the room is filled with Windows that overlook a forest and the trees outside look magical. There is a window seat that overlooks outside and Louis is instantly in love. The windows are French style and open outwards, there is his own bathroom to the right and next to it is a walk in wardrobe. Louis is a little overwhelmed with it all and his eyes fill with tears.

"Do you like it?" Harry asks smiling at Louis.

"We had it set up especially for you" Edward tells him.

"I....I don't know what to say.....thank you" Louis whispers.

"Our pleasure Angel" Harry replies kissing Louis head.

Harry places Louis down on the bed and stands up.

"We will let you get settled and go to organise some dinner, we will be downstairs if you need anything okay" Edward says.

Louis just nods and both boys kiss his head as they leave the room and close the door. They stand outside the door for a few minutes just to make sure Louis is okay, they hear a few sniffles come from inside,

"Mum...I miss you" Louis says to the silent room.

"If you can hear me, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry about everything, you didn't deserve to die and it's all my fault. I'm so thankful that I'm here with Harry and Edward and they are amazing but, I don't deserve any of this, I don't even deserve to be here. It's all my fault and I'm so sorry mum.....I just...I want you here and it's not fair" Louis breaks and curls up on the bed.

His mum was his best friend, the one person he could trust, the one person he could confide in and never be judged by, the one person he told absolutely everything too and now she's gone and it hurts so badly.

Louis cries alone in his room and Harry and Edward can hear everything, it breaks their hearts to see Louis hurting, to hear his thoughts. Louis means so much to them and they vow to do everything to help make Louis life the best they can.

An hour later Edward and Harry have organised pizza for dinner and Harry goes to get Louis from his room, he enters and sees Louis fast sleep, tears tracks staining his gorgeous face. Harry doesn't want to wake him but he knows Louis needs to eat.

"Hey Lou" He says as he shakes him awake.

Louis stirs and opens his eyes, Harry smiles down at him.

"Dinners ready bud" Harry tells him.

Louis sits up and Harry helps him walk out of the room and to the kitchen where Edward is plating up some pizza. Harry gets Louis a lemonade and they sit at the dining table together, Louis starts eating one of the pieces of pizza and Harry and Edward are quietly relieved.

"So Lou, Harry and I have taken the next few weeks off to be with you and get you ready to start school next term" Edward tells Louis.

Louis looks towards them both, slight fear in his eyes.

"You didn't have to do that, I'm okay by myself, I don't want you to have to change your life around for me" Louis tells them.

"You come first for us now Lou" Harry tells him.

Louis sighs and puts his pizza down.

"I would prefer you just went about your life like I'm not here, like you didn't just get lumped with me and now I'm this burden that's making everything change and I'm not going to school anyway so you don't have to get me ready for anything" Louis says playing with his glass of lemonade, he refuses to make eye contact with either of the boys.

"Okay let's get a few things straight here" Edward says back calmly as he puts his pizza down too.

"You aren't a burden on us, yes your mum asked us to take you in but we could easily have said no but we wanted to Louis, we chose to do this, we didn't just get lumped with you" Harry says.

"I just don't get why you would want to do that, I just don't understand" Louis shakes his head.

"Well I'll tell you why, because we love you, we love you in so many ways Louis. Even from the first moment we met you we were connected to you, over the last few weeks we've become so thankful that we were given the chance to take you in, we couldn't imagine not being able to look after you and have you here with us. It's as simple as that" Edward says.

"My mum said that you wanted to......that you wanted to date me" Louis says quietly

"She said you liked me, is that why you took me in?" Louis questions.

"No Louis, that's not the reason we agreed to this. We aren't going to lie to you, that's all true, everything your mum said is true but we would never force you into anything, we would never ever take advantage of our situation Louis" Harry says determinedly

"If you told us that you didn't want a relationship with us, that you didn't want anything to do with us romantically, we would respect that. We love you regardless Louis, us being here right now has nothing to do with us hoping to be more with you" Edward finishes.

"My mum said I should give you a chance, she said she wanted me to agree to a date with you.......that's what we were talking about before.....before it happened" Louis tells them.

"We're so sorry Lou" Edward says.

"I don't know what I want, I don't even know how I feel about anything anymore. I'd like to try for something more but.....but not yet and I want you to want me even after you see how much trouble it is to have me here" Louis replies.

"We are not rushing into anything sweetheart and we would never pressure you into anything. You also aren't trouble at all and we are here for you, whenever you need" Harry says.

Louis sighs.

"Well I'm not going to school again, ever" Louis says with finality.

"That's a few weeks off yet Lou, let's just concentrate on getting you settled in hey" Edward says.

Louis nods and they a all go back to eating their pizza, Louis successfully finishing one whole slice and the boys applauding internally.

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