Chapter 26: Beloved Mother

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"Ugh. How do you get proper nutrition in a place like this?" YM/N asked, wiping her napkin against the table we were seated at...though it was clean. "Filthy. Complete and utter filth. How can you stand this, Y/N? Your standards have gotten quite low since you've relocated to this cesspool."

I just listened to my mother's constant belittling of my life as we sat at a clean table in the Rogue Diner. It was a nice little place situated towards the center of Trost. It typically was a booming place, but due to it not being the lunch rush it was relatively quiet. And since we had just gotten her settled into her hotel I figured going to eat was the only other thing to do. It was better than us awkwardly sitting in her room...not to say it wasn't awkward at that moment.

"I'm telling you, Y/N," YM/N continued, "you should just come back to h/p. I'm sure you can find a position at the church until you find a husband, preferably a member of the congregation, and settle down. It'd be much better than you going to this school." She said the word 'school' as if it were dirty, scrunching her nose in disgust at it. "I have connections in the church and can help you."

I balled my hand into a fist under the table, feeling my nails digging into my palm. Honestly, I wasn't up for YM/N's "bribery", though there was no convincing me. Unlike my mother, I saw Trost as an amazing opportunity. It was a fresh slate where I could be myself and go about my days as simply that -myself. But, based on the look on my mother's face, I knew she was not impressed by all that Trost offered. She viewed it as a hole and dump.

"I hear the pastor's son is single and searching for a wife," YM/N said, taking a quick drink of her water. "Ugh. This water tastes foul." She lifted one of her arms and snapped her fingers, calling, "Excuse me."

A waitress came to our table and smiled, "Yes, ma'am? Can I help you?"

"I'd like to get some coffee, please," YM/N answered, unfolding her napkin onto her lap. "And some creamer as well."

"Right away," the waitress nodded.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I was already feeling so embarrassed by her. Part of the reason I couldn't stand my mother was how she came off as superior and entitled -almost as if she thought she was more important than everyone else. No, that was an understatement. She believed she was more important than everyone else. She had been that way all my life and was getting worse with the older she got. It was irritating and just plain rude, but I knew she'd never see past that.

"Anyway, as I was saying," YM/N sighed, bringing her me/c (your mother's eye color) gaze up to me. "Pastor Nick's son is available and very much interested in finding a wife. Of course, I think you'd be a very good choice for him." She paused briefly as the waitress set her coffee down and left. She began to fix her cup of coffee and continued, "However, that said, he is interested in marrying within the year. That means you'll have come home right away."

I chewed on my bottom lip and stuttered, "M-mom...I'm...I'm not interested in marriage right now." I tightened both hands into fists and swallowed, "I-in fact...I'm not even sure if I want marriage at all. I mean, I've never really seen myself being someone's wife."

YM/N lifted a brow. "Not interested in marriage?" She leaned forward, lacing her fingers together and resting her chin on them, smirking, "My daughter not interested in marriage? You do realize that the greatest honor a woman can have is being a wife, right?" She chuckled darkly, "For a woman to serve a man is of the highest privileges she can ever obtain. Are you telling me that you don't want that honor?"

I fidgeted with my fingers and shrugged, "N-not necessarily. of now I'm not sure if I'm interested in being a wife. That's a pretty big responsibility. I mean, it's just a lot right now and I have to worry about school and -"

"There you go again about that school of yours," YM/N interrupted, rolling her eyes. "I honestly don't see the appeal of that dreaded MRU. I'm sure all its known for is scandalizing sexipaids and beer pong. Certainly nothing of value or use."

I continued to fester in my annoyance, my emotions almost overwhelming me. I was struggling to bite back my frustrations though I was almost certain she could sense it. It was almost like she took pleasure in torturing and taunting me. She'd never admit that to my face, but it was obvious.

"I'm telling you, Y/N," YM/N pressed, taking a sip of her coffee. "Pastor Nick's son, Neil is quite the catch and would make you change your mind. He is excellent husband material and I think you two would have beautiful children."

"Mom," I breathed. "Mom...I...I'm just not ready for any of that." I wrapped my arms around myself. "I'm not sure if I'll ever be ready for that. And besides, I rather be able to support myself than rely on a man. I don't need a guy to make me happy."

YM/N narrowed her eyes at me. "Your father has put these ideas in your head, hasn't he? He's made you believe marriage is wrong, hasn't he?" She made her hands into fists. "Just because he failed at being a husband does not mean Neil would as well."

I so badly wanted to tell her that YF/N had nothing to do with my decision. Sure, he walked out and left us when I was little but looking back at it I understood why. My mother's erratic behavior was too much for him to handle. Had I been in his situation I would have done the same. Though I never quite understood why he didn't try to take me with him. I doubted I'd ever figure that out, but that didn't matter.

"It's not like that, Mom," I sighed. "Dad's never said anything to make me think either way. This is solely my own choice and opinions. No third party is swaying me."

She crossed her arms firmly over her chest and huffed, "Lying is an unattractive trait, Y/N, but if you insist on defending him then so be it." She took another swig of her coffee and breathed, "Regardless, we'll discuss this more at a later date. I suppose you're curious as to why I'm here."

Oh, thank God. Something I am actually interested in. I thought.

"Actually, yes," I nodded. "You don't seem fond of Trost, so why would you come here?"

"You're right about that," she agreed. "Despite my slim fondness of this place, there is a convention that'll be held in the Trost Convention Center by the Wall Temple congregation." She dropped her hands into her lap. "Wall followers nationwide will be flocking here for a week of stimulating seminars, lectures, and much more. So, I figured while I was here I'd see my beloved daughter."

That was comical. Beloved my ass. I snorted internally. If my mother truly held an ounce of love for me then I might have found some enjoyment in her company. However, that was not the case. I couldn't stand being anywhere near her and I doubted she truly gave a damn whether I wanted to be or not. But, it was amusing.

"So, does that mean you'll want to see me throughout your trip?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

She shrugged, "Can't say. It'll depend on if I need you as a tour guide or not."

"Right," I said, breathing in a haggard breath. "Well, in that case, I need to go."

"Yes. Yes, go to those pointless classes," she snickered. "Go and pursue that useless major of yours. I'm sure you'll fare well."

I just got up and left, listening to my mother as she cackled at me. I tightened my clutch on my bag's strap, fighting the anger boiling in my veins. She continued to laugh, her shrill snorts growing more distant with each step I took until I finally exited out the door. Once the cold breeze greeted me I lost part of my composure, allowing warm tears to roll down my cheeks.

**Ello my lovelies. Honestly, I didn't mind typing this chapter. I thought it turned out okay. I hope y'all liked it. Thank you sooooo much for everything! Y'all are awesome sauce! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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