Chapter 23: False Safety

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I stared up at the sky, watching as the distant stars twinkled, their faint gleams shimmering like diamonds streamed through the heavens. Not a single cloud tampered with my vision, giving me full view of the precious gems grinning down at me. Along with those sparkling jewels hung the milky orb known as the moon, its own illuminance pouring down over the landscape, bathing the snow and trees with a pale light. It was all breathtaking and stunning, but there was something eerie about it as well.

The shadows where the light did not reach snaked and slithered over the landscape, claiming residence where the dawn had once resided. It tinted over all that the gleams could not reach, adding a greasy appearance to it all. Instead of seeing beauty, I saw terror. Terror because there was no saying what the night could bring or what the shadows hid. It all added a sense of dread to what I was looking at.

I shivered from the abrupt wave of discomfort washing over me and backed away from the window, allowing the curtains to fall shut upon my absence. With my injured foot bandaged, I hobbled over to my bed, a dull pain darting through me, though I ignored it all. I just hopped along, allowing the warmth of my room to swaddle around me. I reached my bed and climbed into it, readying myself for the night.

I burrowed into my comforter, snuggling up with my pillows and reached for my remote on my bedside table. I hit the power button, bringing to life my television. It was only ten, so I wasn't ready to hit the hay just yet and I didn't feel like reading or drawing, so I just figured a little TV wouldn't hurt. I flipped through the channel until I came upon a show that I found interesting and settled in.

I had become engulfed by the show, finding myself losing track of time when my screen flashed in the middle of my program, an emblem reading 'breaking news' occupying where my show had been. Honestly, it startled me due to how abrupt it happened, but I quickly calmed down, listening to the news.

The screen revealed a young female newscaster standing outside, the frigid breeze combing through her loose bleached locks, her face void of emotion as she said dryly, "We're coming to you live with breaking news here outside of the Beast Night Club on Scouts Avenue."

I lifted a brow. That's over by Mrs. Rail's store. I turned the volume up slightly, paying more attention. It's between here and her shop. That club was extremely close to campus and where a lot of MRU students spent their time outside of school. It was a popular club for the youth, but I was merely going off what I heard. I had never been to it myself.

She continued, "Hello, I'm Sandra Wheeler and we're here at the Beast Night Club bringing you the latest on this developing story."

Already caught that. I rolled my eyes. Out with it, please.

"Just a little after 9:50, a female student from Maria Rose University was attacked here at the Beast Night Club," Sandra said, her tone still lacking emotion. "The young girl was said to have been planning to meet up with some friends when she never showed. Forty minutes later, just twenty minutes ago, the girl was found unconscious outside the gates leading to MRU."

My eyes widened at that, leading me to shoot up to an upright position. My heart rate increased, my pulse strumming viciously in my ears. Whoa. That's insane. I hope she's okay. I turned up the volume a tad more, allowing Sandra to become more clear.

"She has been rushed to Trost University Hospital just moments ago," Sandra said confidently. "A police investigation will be opened up, the only evidence so far being a blunt force injury on the young woman's head, most likely causing her unconsciousness." Sandra shifted. "Witnesses say there has been a strange man lurking around the area, leading investigators to believe he is connected. As of now, it is advised that women be wary of their surroundings at all times."

At that, I spaced out. My eyes were wide, my mouth agape at what I had just heard. There was a girl...a girl who had been injured...a girl who had been injured by a mysterious man. The man I assumed to be who stalked me that night. No -I knew it was the same man. A gut instinct told me so. I was certain of it.

"Please report any suspicious activity to Crime Watchers," Sandra finished.

I just sat there, numbness washing over me. I still couldn't believe what I had just heard. As if things weren't bad enough, I now had to be on full alert at all times. Despite what had happened to me, I hadn't truly been on constant watch. But I no longer was presented that luxury. The safety of MRU was no longer truly safe, just an illusion.

**Bello my lovelies. Y'all doin' good? I hope so! So, now the mysterious man has supposedly struck. What do y'all think will happen next? Anyway, thank you so much for everything! You guys are amazing!! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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