Chapter 10: Route

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I should've taken my chances with the stalker. I thought as I was seated on an old beaten down couch while the pulsing of throbbing music played around me, the bass causing my ears to ring. All around me the flashing of lights illuminated the room as the stench of stale beer lingered in the atmosphere. The makeshift dance floor in the center of the room was loaded with people -some just standing in small groups chatting as others danced. Of course, by dancing, I mean that there were some girls rubbing their asses on one another, earning a few stares from the guys while a few girls grinded their bums against some fellows' groins. The stereotypical frat party scene, basically.

I breathed in a sharp breath, inhaling the bitter scent of alcohol and exhaled, my nostrils stinging from the stench. To be honest, as I glimpsed around, I found it all hopeless. There was no real reason for me to still be there. Eren had disappeared, drifting off somewhere into the crowd as soon as we entered the house, leaving me all by myself. Yeah...he saved me from a stalker and ditched me the moment we arrived at that lousy house party. A true hero.

But, of course, that didn't matter. Hero or not, Eren didn't owe me his company and nor did I ask for it. If anything, his presence would have only hindered my plan. My plan to escape, that is. Though I appreciated him saving me from the potential stalker and only God knows what else, I found it pointless to keep hanging around a place that I was unfamiliar with and people who I had no interest in befriending anytime soon. And besides, the odds of the stalker lurking on campus was very slim. So, I believed I was in the clear to return to my dorm room where I could stuff my face with ice cream and continue on with my original plans

I quickly glanced around, skimming the crowd with no sign of Eren anywhere and took in another breath before slowly rising to my feet. Despite how much I wanted to formally thank him for helping me out, I just couldn't stand another second in that loud and noisy place. I had to get out of there before my head exploded. So, I began to make my great escape, weaving through the crowd as I nearly held my breath to prevent myself from smelling all the sweat in the air. Again, wasn't my scene whatsoever.

After a few moments of me darting through the crowd and being oblivious as to where I was in the large house, I managed to stumble across a door that led to the outside world. It was a straight shot from where I was, so I took it. I dashed over to the door and pulled it open, quickly worming my through it and closed it behind me, hoping that Eren wouldn't suddenly appear to try to stop me.

But, I won't lie, the bitterly cold breeze's kiss nipping at my nose was a hell of a lot better than the piercing bass ringing through my ears and the sight of horny college students dancing provocatively on one another. So, as that icy gale glided past me, its keen touch nearly slicing through me, I did not regret my decision to leave. If anything, I breathed easier knowing I had willingly decided to ditch the party. The air was crisp and it was fresh, each breath filling my lungs with cleanliness...well, as much cleanliness as the city could offer.

I adjusted my clothes, working to shield myself from the wind and began to walk, making my way onto a snow-covered patio. Honestly, I didn't recognize the scene before me, leading me to believe I had exited out into their side or backyard. It was no big deal, really. All I had to do was just figure out my route to the front of the house and make my way back to my sweet, sweet dorm. That was it.

So, I began to walk, the snow crunching beneath my weight with each step I took. Compared to the blaring music inside, the quietness of the outside world was pleasant and refreshing. It was exactly what I needed after being cooped up in a stuffy and loud place for what felt like hours. It was peaceful and just what I needed to steady my mind.

But, just as I was beginning to ease myself into my thoughts, I heard a noise that caught my attention -a noise that snatched me straight out of my own little world and dropped me back into the real one. It was a rustling the came from the yard, the sound causing my heart to nearly drop. I could feel my pulse racing through my ears and my face flushing red from the sudden anxiety overwhelming me. Oh no. it the stalker? Are they here? I swallowed. What should I do?

I tightened my hands into fists, bracing myself for the possibility of being ambushed by an attack. However, no matter how much I mentally prepared myself, I was still terrified. If it was my stalker, there was no telling what he'd want to do to me. I truly believed I was in danger. That was until I heard giggling...female giggling.

I paused abruptly and glanced to my side, my eyes landing on a shed tucked away in the back corner of the yard. It appeared to be like any other shed. There was nothing special about it in particular, but I knew that was where I heard the noises from. After all, there wasn't really anywhere else to hide. If someone was lurking in the yard with me, surely they'd choose to hide behind that structure.

I was just about to push off and leave when I heard the giggling once more, followed by a few mumbles. Honestly, none of it sounded diabolical in the slightest, putting me at ease, but it did peak my interest. I was suddenly washed over by curiosity, prompting me to stealthily creep over to where I heard the bizarre noises. Truthfully, every cell in my body was telling me to get the hell out of there, but I already accepted that if my life was a horror film, then I would have been the first character to die since I'd be the one checking out the creepy noises. So, I ignored what my gut told me to do.

Still holding my breath, I quietly snuck over to the shed. My heart was furiously beating against my ribs at the anticipation welling up within me. Part of me was eager to see what I'd find while the other half was anxious. But, as I poked my head discretely around the corner, I knew I should have listened to my gut instinct.

**Ello my sweet lovelies! I'm sorry about not posting Wednesday, but I had just arrived back home that day from my trip, so I was super tired and jetlagged. That's why today I've decided I'll post two chapters (one now and one later). Kinda my way of saying sorry! But, anyway, hope ya enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so super duper much for any and all support! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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