Chapter 15: Skip

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Are you fucking kidding me? I mentally snapped as my cell phone rang, interrupting the trio's conversation. Who the fuck could possibly be calling me right fucking now?

Agitated, I dug into my pocket and fished out my cell. I pulled it to where I could see the screen clearly, my ringtone still rolling through the air. Of course, me being me, that whole situation fed into my anxiety. I already wasn't fond of phone calls but add that to the fact those boys had no idea I was there...until that moment. At which I dreaded answering that stupid cellular device.

After mentally wallowing about how unlucky I was, I glimpsed at who the caller was. I eased as I realized it was my father. I wasn't expecting a phone call from him. Okay...interesting.

I slid the phone over to answer and whispered, "Hello."

"Y/N," my dad greets me, his tone light. "Hey, sweetie. How are you?"

I licked my lips and replied, "Hey, Dad. I'm fine. You?"

"Can't complain," he said. "Just living another day."

I chewed on my lips and nodded, "Yeah. Same here. Same here."

Honestly, I don't know why YF/N phoned me. It was out of the blue and just so random. But, my father was a single guy with weekends off and no kids running around his apartment, so a random phone call wasn't completely unheard of. He wasn't fond of going out and found more joy being in the comfort of his home. Something I inherited from him.

"So, uh, is anything new?" I pressed, hunching more over the table to remain hidden.

"No. I wouldn't say that," he answered. "I'm just kinda bored and thought I'd phone my favorite daughter."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Goof. I'm your only daughter (even if you have sisters, just pretend)."

"True, but still," he chortled. "Is there anything new with you?"

I thought about it for a moment and shrugged, "Nope. Not really. Same old, same old."

Awkward as it was, I was accustomed to it all. After all, I inherited that same awkwardness from him. It was like the L/N curse. Awkwardness just seemed to stalk us wherever we went. That was just how it was.

"Uh, actually, I might have lied," YF/N finally breathed in defeat.

I knitted my brows in confusion and asked, "What? What do you mean?"

There was a brief silence before he continued, "I know you don't like when I bring up your mother, but I figured I should warn you."

I could feel my pulse increase as my heartbeat sped up. When it came to YM/N, anything was likely to be said. And, to be honest, I was terrified. There was no telling what he'd say. Was she in the hospital? Jail? What was so urgent he needed to call?

"What about her?" I swallowed numbly.

He took in a deep breath and sighed, "Don't panic, but she's coming to Trost."

**Ello my lovelies! Sorry for the later and shorter post, but here it is! I hope y'all liked it! Thank you so much for everything! Y'all rock! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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