11. The Others Of The Kind

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What have I done to deserve my friends? Even when we talk very little these days, they plan something for me without my knowledge. Well, actually, I knew it was going to happen because someone made it very obvious, but I shall not be naming names. I already had celebrated my birthday in more than one day, over the process of a few days with different people, and then my other friends go and throw a birthday surprise for me yesterday (well since it's gone midnight it's the day before)! As if their presence wasn't enough, all the presents they gave me are HANDMADE! What's better than handmade gifts? NOTHING I TELL YOU. Oh, I so do not deserve my friends. I, honestly, don't think I appreciate them enough but I love them to bits! Oh wow, another irrelevant message that means nothing to everyone.

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads the story to thank you all for the constant support. I, honestly, cannot thank you all enough for what you all have done! Writing is more than just that to me and you all made it possible for me to continue it. You have all helped me more than you realise. Alhamdullilah, everything is going perfectly these days, and I couldn't wish for anything better. So thank you everyone!

Please leave a comment of your thoughts and vote if you believe it's worth it. Thank you and happy reading

~ Zana

Chapter Eleven ~ The Others Of The Kind

Stomps vibrated through the whole building, shaking the walls and even causing some of the ceiling to crumble to the floor. It was as if the Earth itself was pulled to the sky and released, slamming back down. With each stomp, Pandora's anger grew. It was all her. That was the strength of her power. She paced from one end of Eva's office to the other, while Eva leaned back against her chair and dug her nails into the arms of the chair in the desperate attempt to keep her stable.

"I can't believe you can even suggest such a thing!" Pandora repeated, refusing to look at Eva. "The last time you left you killed that poor kid's mother!"

"I'm warning you one last time, Pandora, stop moving or I will injure you." Eva attempted to restore her authority, yet she shrieked as dust continued to shower over her from the ceiling.

Pandora knew the threat involved the Crest and that only built up more anger. How can she continue to threaten her with the very thing that she gave to her? Her stomps became heavier. A large piece of the ceiling fell onto the desk, causing Eva to flinch. The hole was large enough to see into the room above and luckily it was an unfurnished room.

"It won't injure me, it will kill me!"

A faulty smile crept onto Eva's face, even more tempted by the idea. All the while screech after screech played in Pandora's head. Shocks of pain sparked through her brain just like last time, only this time she was stronger so the pain was bearable for longer, but any second now she would have to leave, because the longer she takes to respond to it, the weaker she would become. The screeches are a way for her kind to call each other to their location.

"I have to go," She said through gritted teeth, the pain beginning to affect her.

With that she vanished and using every ounce of energy she travelled to the centre of the earth, reappearing in the very room she was previously locked up in. However, this time the room wasn't empty. There were two others in the room, a male and a female, in the corner, shouting away at each other. They felt her presence and their argument came to a halt. Both of them turned to face Pandora in the middle of the room and the man advanced towards her. His hair was silver and as shiny as tin foil (the first feature everyone always notices about him) and the next prominent feature was his eyes; the same green eyes specked with a honey colour and outlined with purple as Pandora's. The eye colour was rare to their species and only five were known to have it, one already dead centuries ago, and with that comes authority. The colour of the eyes were in connection with their powers and Pandora was amongst the ones most powerful. That's why many centuries ago, when she came of age, she was appointed the keeper of the Crest. This man before her was the most powerful in every way possible to their species. His silver eyebrows grew closer with every step towards her, clearly disappointed with her. He wasn't much taller than Pandora, maybe even less than an inch, and his build wasn't much to fear, yet no one dared to stand against him.

"Well?" He prompted: his deep voice boomed and ended with a hiss.

"I'm sure you know I don't have it yet. I will get it back soon, but now, tell me, do you have the information for me?"

The woman, who stayed back until this point, came to the man's defence from the harshness of Pandora's tone of voice. She was by his side within seconds, her arms on her hips. Her eyes are a turquoise colour, dotted with four navy specks which almost looked like a diamond if you connected them and outlined with a thin line of black glowed at Pandora. The owners of this particular eye colour were known as the trusted ones. Instinctively, they cannot do any evil towards the one they are bound to and work for. Her sandy blonde hair blew from side to side from the non-existent wind - that was a sign of her frustration. Her whole body (apart from her face and neck) was decorated with tattoos, yet due to the black, long-sleeved blazer and the baggy, black trousers you could barely see any. Her body was nothing compared to Pandora's, yet something to envy still. Her skin glowed a golden colour and if it wasn't for the small bump on her nose, you'd think she was unreal (a being without imperfections).

"How dare you speak to Fox like that?" She glared at Pandora as if she was a piece of dirt. Then again, why wouldn't she? Pandora was a criminal after all and only recently came out of her incomplete sentence. "You asked us for a favour, which you are in no position to do so and yet you speak to him like that!"

"It's okay, Linnet, you can leave us now." Linnet gave Fox a side glance before calmly walking out of the room.

"So?" Pandora did not have time for pleasantries. After this meeting, she intended to return to Eva and stop her from leaving the building; if she hadn't already, that is.

"The boy is untraceable. We are unsure whether he is alive or not." His voice was monotonous and showed no sign of amusement.

"What? How can that even be possible? We are a powerful species, and not one can trace him? I need to know where Jett is for my plan to work." Pandora couldn't help but raise her voice. This was outrageous.

"If I didn't need your help to get the Crest back, I would send you straight to the burning sector for eternity." This time there was a hint of anger in his voice. They all knew that the only person able to retain the Crest is the one who gives it out.

"Is there no way you can try harder? Some way to find him?" She calmed herself down before speaking next.

"I'll see what I can do, but you better get the Crest soon or we'll have to go with our final option." He had already began walking out of the room, Pandora watching creases forming and disappearing in certain areas of his shirt until he left the room.

Pandora let out an angered scream; one which would have travelled the entire world if she was on Earth rather than inside. Why does no one take her seriously? Before her punishment began seven years ago, she was one of the most loved and trusted of the lot. Most did as she wished but now, things are completely different. No human or her own kind paid much attention to her unless she was needed. The scream was followed by complete silence and that frustrated her even more. She had to leave and focus on something else.

She needed to get to Eva. Without using her senses to track her down, she automatically vanished and reappeared in Eva's office. Only, she found someone else in the room sitting on her chair, going through the drawers of her desk. She watched for a bit, as the figure slammed the drawers in frustration. The room was the way she left it; destroyed from her stomps.

"She must have taken it with her," Darren said to himself.

Within a second, Pandora had him pinned back against the chair, her right hand wrapped around his neck. Her body was on the desk.

"What must she have taken?" She leaned forwards, her face inches from his. She stared into his eyes, forcing him to tell the truth.

"The --" He was interrupted.

"I know what you want! Tell me where you sent her?" She demanded, wishing for Eva's safety.

"I...I didn't send her anywhere. I told her not to go but she went --"

Pandora dragged him slightly towards her and slammed him back against the chair, squeezing his neck in a way to threaten him. "Where is she?"

"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me unless I went with her but I needed to stay here to take care of things. She'll call if she needs anything." He was trembling.

"You're coming with me. You're taking me to someone." She demanded and lifted him to his feet by his neck.

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