Chapter 10

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**AN: I found out that the control room in a yacht is called the 'bridge' and the pointy part of the ship is called the 'bow' , like the one Jack and Rose from Titanic was in... You know, the part where they're spreading their arms.

Just sayin... So when you saw the word 'bridge' in this chapter, I meant the boat part not the bridge that is built over rivers, etc... Okay, that's all! **

"Tell me immediately when there is anything new about her" he ignored my question and ended the call. I sat on the couch as I wait for my mum.


Breanna's P.O.V.

It's been an hour with me just staring at the ceiling. Jace was already up, fifteen minutes before my time ended. I sat up and looked at the window beside the bed. The sea looks calm ,with the moon's reflection in the surface clear as the sky. I got out of the bed and went to the bridge. When I entered the door, Jace wasn't there. I suddenly panicked but relaxed when I found him sitting near the edge of the bow. I sat by him and hugged him tight.

"Bri, why aren't you sleeping?" he asked then cleared his voice. His eyes was a little puffy and his voice sounds broken, making it obvious he just cried. "No, I already was but I woke up and can't sleep" I lied. "I believe in God" he said with a small smile. "I know he'll protect us... He's always right here" I pointed to his and my chest where our hearts is. "Don't cry big boy, it won't make anything different. But your faithfulness to God will do." I stood up and grab his hand. "C'mon let's get something to eat." I said as I entered the cabin. "Wake Ed! He's been asleep for six hours! That's unfair!" Jace shouted from the bridge.

I stood on the small stool to reach Ed and opened his eyes forced. It looks funny! His mouth is opened wide, snores coming out.. then his eyes rolls every now and then. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing out loud. I closed his eyes and held his chin on my hand. I would close and open it repeating the sequence over and over. "Breanna Paige Brooks stop that" he mumbled. "Wake up Edward, I am Amphitrite." I said in a British Accent. I've been trying to do that accent for a long time! "You mean the goddess of the sea?" he mumbled. "Yes, my dear Edward. Now get up, your cousins need you" I held in the giggles trying to escape my mouth. I stepped down from the stool and ran to the kitchen. Then seconds later, I heard something fell down. Then I see Edward running towards me. "OhmyGoodness! Bri! You won't believe what I dreamt of!" he jumped up and down excitedly. "Spill!" I grinned at him then started blabbering bout Amphitrite talking to him.

"Did he tell you?" I asked Jace laughing while I pass him a sandwich. "yes.. He was so obsessed with Greek Mythology. " he laughed. "hey! It's kinda cool though!" I defend. He raised his arms in defense. "Actually that was just me. I did everything to wake him up but he won't budge!" I tilt my head as I laugh. "Well, I think it's definitely not you. He said she has a beautiful British Accent!" he said. "Wake up Edward, I am Amphitrite. Yes my dear Edward." I said in a British Accent then smirked in victory. "So it's you, huh?" Edward said from behind me. "Says the heavy sleeper, loud snore-r , and the guy who rolls their eyes when sleeping." I laughed. " I do not snore and roll my eyes when sleeping! But hey, nice one." he smacked my head. I flipped him off and checked Jace. "Hey Jace! Want me to replace you there? The sun is up, I can work this baby up! Maybe find some island for help". "Thanks!" he high-fived me and I positioned infront of the steering wheel. I pushed some buttons and the yacht was brought back to life. We continued heading from where the yacht is pointed.

Shan's P.O.V.

I can't calm down. It's been 3 days! The guys would go here every day and try to calm me down. I managed to do my daily routine but I would zone out and cry all of a sudden. But the worst of us all is Matt, he would hug his knees and zone out all the time. We understood him though... He and Breanna knew each other since they were in diapers.

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