Chapter 12

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I gave Zac my 'Are-you-happy-now face' before punching in Ty's number in the phone I was holding.


Everyone is engaged in their own conversations. Izzy and Lacy was watching Lalaloopsy...

My favourite!

Annie was still out, the hospital she was working at, called her for some emergency. Zac, Ed and Jace have their own stories to tell too but in the corner of my eye, I can see Zac smirking at me in victory.

Real Butthole.😑

I rolled my eyes and focused on calling Tyler. I remember that time when he freaked out when some unknown number was calling him. He stared at his phone like it was some kind of a scary looking alien. In the 2nd ring, he ran around our suite, screaming bloody murder. I still remember him shaking as we calm him down. I laughed silently at the memory of the super fabulous big baby.

"What's so funny, Brooksie?" Zac asked as he sat beside me. "Aww! I've been here for a few hours and you already have a nickname for me!" I cooed and pinched his cheek. "You said that 2 years ago! This is like déjà vu" he laughed. "Oh! You're that guy with big glasses, braces, and a pink tie who interviewed me on that awarding event!" I laughed remembering the boy with the shaking hand. "Er.. Yeah" red creeping on his cheeks as he scratch the back of his head.

"He-hello?" a shaky familiar voice snapped my our head to the phone on my lap. "Oakley!!!!" I screamed. "Bre-Breanna?" he asked. "Yep! Did you already forget how my angelic voice sounds?" I asked. " And how would I know if it was really you?" he challenged. "C'mon Tyler! Aren't you happy you found me!" I groaned. "Ehrm... What's my favourite boxers?" he asked. "Your pizza slash chips slash hamburger printed one" I said nonchantly. "Where are you! We've been looking for you! Just text me the fricking fracking address!" he practically shouted in my face before hanging up. So.... That's what I did.


Boredom button is on, that's why we have two twins doodling on Ed's face with washable sharpies, a sticky-haired Jace from styling his hair with that styling gel he borrowed, a sleeping Zac and an almost empty big bottle of Nutella infront of me.

"How long is he going to get here?" Ed said, though he's voice is slightly muffled from Lacy's hand. I was going to say something but was interrupted by loud knocks on the door. "Breanna! Are you in there!" I heard 'The fabulous Ty' shout on the other side of the door.

As I opened the door, I was engulfed in a tight hug. "What the motherfu- they're so cute!" He pushed me aside and rushed to the giggling twins. I shook my head and felt something poking on my arm. I look at my side and saw the group looking at me, Zoe kept poking me. "She's real!" Finn shouted and pushed between the group. He lifted me up and twirled me around. "Finn! Where's Jake?" I giggled as we stare at each other. "Eh. I left him with Princess" he chuckled as he put me down and we walked inside. "Still don't know which one is better. BreShanna or Fianna" I heard (Name of girl youtuber) whisper but loud enough for me to hear. I shrugged them off and walked to the living room with Finn's arm on my shoulders.


After the group barged in the house, we skyped our family back home which got us all emotional. Word travels fast! We're already all over the news! I thought while I listen to them telling me how I'm all over the news.

Also, we ended up having a mini welcome back party. They call it welcome back party because they thought we were like already dead but after a week, we came back into the world.

I was eating a slice of pizza when Zac's phone started ringing beside me. I looked for Zac but he was laughing with the lads, who were playing truth or dare so I answered the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey sweety, it's Annie, I just called to tell Zac I won't be home tonight. I probably will be home tomorrow noon. And can you please look after the twins while I'm gone?" she said. "Ofcourse! We actually owe you a lot, we can do that!" I said. "Thank you very much! Oh! And tell Zac to stop drooling at Zoella! Bye!" She laughed before hanging up. I looked at Zac and sure enough, he was practically gawking at Zoe.

"Hey Zac! Your drool's dripping!" I called out to him. He snapped out of trance and checked around his mouth. When he realized I'm joking, he started giving that 'oh-so-deathly-but-not glare'. "Why did you told him! My vid's ruined!" Connor fake cried on Jack's shoulder. "Bweanna! The pwins aw stuffing my mouph with mawshmawwows! I'm cho-choking!" Tyler screamed muffled from the all the marshmallows in his mouth. "Look! Edward looks good with pepperoni on his eyes, and pizza crust on Jace' upper lip. They look so cool!" Finn kept clapping his hands while calling my attention.

What a weird scenario this is.

Two lovebirds, not caring what's happening, a kid who's giving me the death glare, a dramatic fake crying lad who's comforted by an awkward lad, a shouting fab guy with two twins riding on his back, and another kid who looks like a seal, laughing at two sleeping mushrooms.

But the big problem is.... I know how to start a chaos but I don't know how to end it.

Uh- oh.

I'm dearly sorry if it's really bad! I mean I think this chapter's boring and ugh...
It's like 1 in the morning here? And I can't really focus on what I am going to write.
But I still hope you don't get tired of this. My updates are slow and the chapters, I think, are really bad? Erm. It's up to you.
Just a reminder, I'm just human ok? Everyone does mistakes. And for the slow updates, it's because I have a lot of stuffs at school to finish immediately.

Just vote , follow me, and comment what you think.

~ RJoannexx

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