Chapter 5

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I rolled down the window and called them. They got in and I continued driving.


We were now in the mountains heading to the other side, my hometown. I rolled down the window and inhaled the breeze, it was so natural. "Sea, can you pass me a bag of chips ?" I glanced at her. She placed one in my lap, "Mum, open it for me?" "What did I tell you about eating and driving?" She sighed. "I need to eat too! I'm hungry! Even a Goddess like me eats also like people!" I pointed at myself. "Yeah, Goddess... The daughter is a Goddess, the mother is Goddess too" she laughed. "You two shut up, I'm the Goddess here and you, Breanna, is my driver and mum, my personal assistant" Chelsea grinned. I shrugged and continued munching on my chips. I called the gang and let mum hold my phone so they can see me clearly. They were nothing but evil, makes me laugh when I'm driving and were passing very steep cliffs.

We made it to my hometown at exactly eleven am. We were greeted by my cousins and other relatives including my grandma. We got settled and rested in the room were staying in for the rest of the summer vacation.


I woke up and saw its already 4 pm. I rolled over and saw mum and Chelsea weren't in the room. I got up and fixed my hair and straightened my shirt. I ran downstairs and saw my grandma and mum. "You're already grown-up, Bri" I hugged grandma. "Yes, I am" I giggled. "Where's the others?" I asked them. "They're out" mum said. "Okay, see you later!" I waved goodbye to them and went out of the house. I saw Frank talking to his friends. "Hey Frank!" I walked towards him. He turned around and smiled at me "they're on the beach"."Oh, are you going there too?" I asked. "No, I mean maybe around 7" he said. "Do you have a bike that I can use?" I asked sweetly. "I have one but I don't think you can carry it, it's heavy" he handed me his keys. "Heavy or not, I can carry it. Who drove the van all the way here... Hmm??" I smirked at him and turned around and got the bike out. "Be safe!" He reminded. "Take care... Of my bike." I smacked his arm. "Woah! She's carrying that?!?" One of his friends asked him. "Yes, she said she can" he answered him. "Bye!" I drove off and looked back at them and I saw Frank with his jaw dropped. Is this the first time he saw a girl like me ride this big bike? People are looking at me as I pass them.

'Seriously, is this the first time they saw a girl like me carry this big bike. Haha, it was like thosetimes that I drive Shan's bike with him on my back with his arms around my waist, holding for his dear life. Call me a badass.. In disguise.'

I crossed the bridge to the other island where my aunts' beach house are. I stopped when I reached Aunt Lea's beach house, I looked around but there weren't any signs of them. I climbed in the bike and headed to Aunt Miles' beach house.

I parked the bike behind the small hut beside and ran towards my cousins who are sat on the sand. "Hey!" I shouted. "Hey Bri!!" I sat beside Jace. "Why didn't you woke me up?" I asked Sea. "Because your snores sounds too angelic to be stopped." She said as she high fives Jett. "Thank you! You know my snores won the award "Most favorite song" in TCA!" They all laughed as I said that. "You never change" Jace ruffled my hair. "Of course I won't change myself cause I'm already a Goddess" I flipped my hair over my shoulder. "No, I'm way more beautiful than you!" Veronica fans her face dramatically. We all erupted into fits of laughters.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing. Frank joined us too. I texted mum were spending the night here.


I woke up early..why in the world did I woke up early, I slept late last night! I scanned my surroundings and all were still sleeping. I went out the beach house and sat on the sand. I called the gang cause I'm bored.

"Hey!!!" They sing-songed. "Simmer down! Simmer down!" I sang the first line from 5SOS' song 'She Looks So Perfect' . "Haha, by the way, How's the weather there??" Matt asked. "It's great! I'm on my aunt's beach house right now, my cousins are still sleeping." I told them. "Please get some shells for me! I need to them for decorating some of my stuffs" France' face popped in the screen. "Sure ill get some !" I got up and walked by the shore. I picked up beautiful shells and then I spotted a big one. It was like that kind of shells that hermit crabs live in. "Look guys! I found a hermit crab's shell!" I flipped the camera, I laughed at them when they started chanting , telling me to get it. " okay! Okay! Geez!" I picked it up and examined it. "Jackpot!" Then I felt something pinching my palm. "Ouch!" I shrieked. I looked at the shell and saw the crab getting out. I dropped the shell. "Guys! Look! The crabs still in there!" I pouted. "Use a stick! It will hold onto the stick and keep it in a container" Carly suggested. I did what she said and I successfully kept it.

We talked and talked until my cousins woke up. We all decided to go back to my grandma's house.

Jace rode his bike with Jett on his back, Veronica rode her bicycle... Chelsea rode on the bicycle,I assume was Jett's and I rode Frank's ,bike with him on my back. And when we took off, he was basically squishing me, with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist.

Why does boys hold onto me like they're going to die when I drive the bike?

I just shrugged and sped off, I scanned the whole road ahead of me, with sharp eyes, alert of someone may pass the road. I finally reached the gates and parked behind Jace'. I saw a black shiny car and I immediately know who it is. "Frank you can let go of me, I won't kill you duh!" I said and smiled awkwardly at the people who's looking at us. "Frank, people are staring at us weirdly" I informed. He literally jumped as he let go of me, "I survived!" He breathed out. "Indeed" I throw the keys in his hands and it landed on his palms. "3 points dibs!" I said and winked. "Are you sure, you're a girl? Or maybe you're a boy trapped in a girl's body which happens to be my cousin! Oh! Breanna! Where are you?!?" He shook me dramatically. "Dude, I grew up as a toddler with you and Jace, and I have a lot of guy friends too! Plus, I'm the elder sister and a daddy's girl. Ya know!" I said with some hand gestures. "That makes sense" he placed his thumb on his chin and we laugh as we enter the house. "Desiree! Ed!" I greeted the two of them. I hugged them tight."You just arrived?" I asked them. "Yeah" they said. "How bout Janna and the others?" "They should be here in 10.....3..2..1" Ed looked at his watch, and as he finished counting we heard some car honks out. "Knock knock!" Janna looked around the house while knocking at the already opened door. Her eyes met ours and we hugged each other. "Hellooo!" Jace shouted while climbing down the stairs with Sea,Veronica, Frank and Jett behind him. "Hii!" Janna squeaked.

Then, Nate, Jacob, Gab, Devine, Erik and Petar came tumbling inside with traveling bags on their hands. "Woah,need a lift?" Jace suggested. "No, if Ed would have helped" Jacob chuckled at Ed's reaction. "Not my things, not my problem" Ed turned away and went upstairs.

We laughed at his comment, that boy really does a lot of sassy but truthful comments. That sass that any ass have. My ass have that sass too! I mean yea, people just aren't understanding enough to understand me. Ugh! Never mind...


Haha, you're probably thinking she's crazy, like "woah! She's talking to herself!" "Weird" like that and stuffs...But we all know you do that too! :3

This is all... Next chapter!

~RJoanne xx

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