Chapter 2

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We sat in the living room for a while, 3 minutes passed,there was a knock . They're pretty fast. "I got it!" I shouted, I opened the door to see five men,3 men were like the bodyguards or assitant,one holding a camera, and one with a microphone.


" Jane Salanders?" The man with the microphone asked. "Oh! Yes! Come in! Come in!" I opened the door wider and they all made their way to the living room. "Hey!" The girls and lads greeted them. "Hey! It's nice to meet you!" Mr.Microphone says. " Good evening, Mr. Microphone-sorry-I-still-don't-know-your-name-is" I said. "He's also human,not a microphone!" France giggled. "Hahaha... You guys really have a sense of humor,I see.... Call me John." He shook our hands, each of us." This is Freddie, the camera man, Trevor, my assistant, Jack 1, and Jack 2, our bodyguards slash driver" He pointed each of them ad they waved at us, we just politely returned the gesture. "I am Jane Salanders, the one who contacted you." Jane introduced herself as John nodded." This is Matt Vance, Shan Hudson , Rain Sullivan, France Sanchez, Carly Carter, and the one who calls you Mr.Microphone was... Breanna Brooks" He smiled at each of us. "Soo... Should we start now?" Rain asked. "If you're all ready to face the camera!" John exclaimed. "Oh silly! We already faced the camera so many times!" Shan said proudly. "We're Youtubers also! But were not that popular.." I told him. "Oh... Wait! Uh.. Breanna right? " John asked me. "Yep!" I answered confused." Stand beside Rain? And all of you, stand,side by side" he instructed. However, us being confused just looked at each other, but did it anyways. "Wha?" Jane said. John stood infront of us and put his thumb under his chin as if he was thinking.After a few seconds of just staring at all of us, he shouted " Aha!". We almost jump at his loud voice, "You guys were the 7 Little Indians! I was a big fan! I didn't know how I didn't recognize you guys before.." John exclaimed. "Haha! Yes we are!" France giggled. "Haha! It's great meeting you guys! Our daughters and sons were fans!" Freddie, Jack 1 and 2 said. "Can we have a video of you guys saying you love them? I mean, so when we got home, we have something special to give and tell them?" Jack 1 asked. "Ofcourse! What's the names?" Matt smiled. "Mine's Jacob and Kendra" Jack 2 said cooly and opened his phone to record us. "Jacob and Kendra in 3..2..1!" I said with a full smile on my face, and I can also tell by the smiles on their faces, they were as glad as I am reminding us of having them lovely fans!

The phone made a 'click' sound and we started talking, "Hi!" Each of us said, one by one, then " We love you Jacob and Kendra!!!" in unison and we all smiled at the camera. Jack 2 thanked us, and followed by Jack 1, he have a son named 'Jared' and then Freddie have 2 daughters and 1 son, named 'Annie', 'Darcy' and 'Hayden'. "Ok guys, we need to start!It's getting a little late!" Trevor reminded us. "Sure!" We agreed. We all sat in the couch and the camera was all set, few seconds, John started talking " Good evening! I am John Hailey! And someone-s called us and we were told, they hold a new world record! And that someone-s was... The 7 Little Indians from Youtube!!!" As he mentioned us, the camera was faced toward us, we waved at the cam and smiled. "Ok guys , a few moments ago, they said they hold the world record, "Fastest Party Preparation!! ! I've been told they arranged it in just 10 minutes! And let us see what they had done!" We walked to end of the hallway on the left of the staircase and towards the movie room. "Woah! Looks like they really did! That's a lot of food and stuffs to prepare!" John said. " And we'll show you evidence! " Matt smirked and we headed to the security room (where the screens are placed,btw,there were CCTV cameras)

"Let's see what Matt is up to!" Jane said the camera and winked. "Here it is!" Matt exclaimed. Freddie faced the camera on the screen.

After playing it, the camera was faced towards John and us again."Woah! That was crazy! Maybe you guys can teach us your ways?" John laughed, "yea! Sure!" Rain laughed. "Haha... It was jus like this." Carly pointed at Shan laughing, "Teach me ya ways mastah!" Shan did the pose like Po ung Kung Fu Panda. We headed on the living room but when we are almost there, I remembered.. "Wait!!!!" I shouted the camera faced towards me. I sprinted to the movie room and got my Hershey's chocolate, 'Thank God it's cold here! It didn't melted and the foods were preserved xD' I thought. I opened the foil and began bouncing out the room, the camera was still on and I was sprinting towards it. "What?!?! You got a chocolate without me?!?" Shan fake sobbed on Matt's shoulders . "Guys, I think they did not just hold a Guinness record, but they have given fans the idea of how is it living with them.. "John laughed . We all laughed, "We're the best youtubers! You too, other fellow youtubers!" France said proudly. "Haha ... Lets go on the living room! "Matt said. We got back on the living room, "And there we have it! Guiness World Record! Fastest Party or Sleepover arranged! By the 7 Little Indians! This is Matt Vance, Shan Hudson , Rain Sullivan, France Sanchez, Carly Carter, and Breanna Brooks!" John finished and Freddie turned the camera off. "That was great!And we were looking forward for more records! And we're looking forward for seeing you guys again! Nice meeting you!" Trevor handshaked with each of us. They packed their things and waved goodbye to us."That was one of the best 1 hour and 30 minutes in my life" I said stuffing my face with chocolate. "Is it live?" Rain asked. "Yes! Ofcourse!" Jane answered cooly. Our phones all went off and when we checked at it, people were tweeting us like 'that was greats' 'Go! 7LI!" 'Congrats!'. "Woah! Our fans were going Crazy! Uh-Huh?" Matt said. "But I still wish we were popular like Tyler Oakley!" France butted in. "Yea, so we could travel with them! Around the world!" I shouted the part 'around the world'. "He'll yea, that's great!" Shan exclaimed. "Let's go, a party's ahead of us! Are the food still great?" Jane asked me. "Great as ever. Heavenly!" I said. We headed to the movie room and spent the whole night talking and laughing, we even make a video for YouTube, and posted it. You can see it there, the challenges we did and the part where we are playing ports! Oh! And board games! And more!

Shan's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and when I saw their sleeping position I almost laughed loudly but I snapped a picture anyway and posted it in Instagram.

My caption : "Awake, but the sleeping sloths weren't " [picture]

The I realized Breanna wasn't here, I got out of the room quietly and went outside, to the pool. I saw her there with legs hanging on the side of the pool, I placed my phone beside hers on the table and went behind her quietly and covered her eyes. She struggled in my other arms which is hugging her and tries to get my hand from her eyes. I got up with her on my arms struggling. "Let me go!" She fought. But as she struggles, her arm hit my far and we fell on the pool with

A 'splash!'.! She resurfaced and I did too. I pushed back the hair on my face and looked at her, she was gathering her hair on her face. I swam at her back and hugged her, she turned around and sighed of relief. "Shan you could have killed me! I thought I was going to be raped or killed!" She laughed. "I'd never rape you! Or kill you!" I laughed and kissed her forehead. "Let's go change! Look what you did to me! You made me wet! Look! You too!" She complained. "Ooh.. I made you wet?" I smirked at her. "Not in a sexual way you pervert!" She smacked my bum and scolded me " Bad kid! Bad!". I laughed at her and ran inside with her. When we got inside, the gang was standing there. "We've been looking for both of you in ages!" Jane shouted and put her hand on her forehead dramatically. "And why were you guys wet?" France walked and circled us like what people do when inspecting something. I looked at Rain but he just wiggled his eyebrows at me. Pervert! I huffed and looked away. "Well, I-" Breanna was cutted off by Matt and Carly, now scolding us about stepping on the house when we are soaking wet and how we can catch cold. They were like our mum and dad in our group, they're older than us. "Follow me and I'll let you guys borrow some of my clothes.." Matt said and we followed him upstairs. We sat on his bed and waited as he rummaged through his closet. "This is already too small for me, so I think this would fit on you. And Shan you will stay shirtless but here's some basketball shorts.."Matt laughed at his face seeing Shan's face redden. "The Shan I know doesn't blush" I smirked at him. His face reddened more, I swear he can be mistaken as a tomato. "It's just cold, and erm... You know I turn red when it's too cold." He reasons. "Whatever floats your boat" I waved him off. "I'm going to change here , so get out!" I sing-songed. "We'll, I can't change out the door" he smirked. "We can just both change here" he said lifting his shirt up , I can't help but stare at his abs. "Like what you see?" He flashed a cheeky smile. "Uh.." I said not knowing what to say. As he was going to pull down his pants together with his boxers, I gasped."Fine!fine! I'm going to change in the bathroom instead!" He laughed.


All the weird shits that my friends and I does was all here! Haha! Well, about Breanna and Shan, there isn't STILL a thing between them, they're bestfriends but that's the way they talk to each other.

So yeah... Enjoy!!!

This is the 2nd Chapturr!!! Love ya'll!

~RJoanne xx

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