Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!

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Tager: And that is?

Kokonoe: Find and bring Y/N back to me as well.

Tager: Who's Y/N?

Kokonoe: That is what I want to know as well. There's no records of him in the NOL database or even anywhere for that matter.

Tager: Then what's so special about him?

Kokonoe: When I was going over data over him fighting both a Murakumo Unit and Hakumen. The fact is that he can counter attacks from Hakumen with nothing but pure strength. And he can go faster then a Prime Field Device can track.

Tager: That sounds...

Kokonoe: Impossible? Well that's not even the craziest part. He can Fire a beam out of his hands that might have a chance to counter Takemikazuchi's blasts. And when Terumi showed up, scans showed Y/N's power skyrocketed and knocked Terumi back with pure rage. Top it all off its not even a ars magus or even magic.

Tager: Are you saying it's the same kind of power back at the incident?!

Kokonoe: Probably, but I'm not exactly sure yet anyway. Further study is needed so I can determined if that's the case or not. So bring him back without a fight, if he could do that much then you wouldn't have a chance to even beat him.

Tager: Roger that, Now what do we do about the Azure Grimoire?

Kokonoe: Hmm, oh Ragna the Bloodedge? He's got the weakest grimoire of them all, don't bother.

Tager: Why say his grimoire is the weakest, it seems pretty powerful to me?

Kokonoe: He can do some damage with it don't get me wrong, but the Azure Grimoire got a fatal flaw. Ain't no point to peeing yourself for a weapon thats got a blind spot, am I right?

Tager: That's one way to put it I suppose. One more thing whatever happened to Hakumen?

Kokonoe: Oh, I locked him waaaaaaay down in the lower levels. He's going to be a huge pain in the ass if I let him run around. Anyway, I've got so much shit keeping him down there, I don't even think god himself could break that little punk out.

Tager's thoughts: How unfortunate for him.

Before Tager could speak the ship's intercom turned on and a soldier of Sector 7 said...

Solder: We're here! Prepare to drop!

Kokonoe: Oh, yeah, one more thing... Dammit, the signal's breaking up! This thing never works when you— Gah! Whatever. I'll keep. Just focus on your missi—

The signal was lost and the call got cut off. But Tager knows what he must do.

Tager: Roger, This is TR/0009 Tager. Commencing Mission.

The hanger door opened and Tager jumped out of the ship, heading back into Kagutsuchi.

A/N: Stop the music here if it keeps going.

Y/N's prospective

I woke up after the that little event last night. There's was only enough beds for Tao, Noel, Ragna and the kittens so I slept on the couch. I got up and stretch for a bit, before checking on Ragna. I see him resting and the girls along with Litchi sitting down next to the table with some food on it.

Taokaka: Thanks for the Om-noms!

Tao then starts munching on her food and I walked over and said...

Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiyan Devil God Male-Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora