Chapter 18: Active and locations

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Dont you kick ME WHEN IM down
Because when I GET UP
You're FUCKED.

(6 days later)

3rd person pov

"I don't know if to be happy that you're alive or pissed off that you didn't call us when they attacked." Nhazul folded his arms across his buff chest, disappointed in his clanmates, "I told you that these people were not the normal stickman we fight everyday. They don't even care for their own lives."

Shura rubbed ths back of his neck, all three felt guilty for their actions...

They weren't conscious for most of the time but they were filled in with everything. The people they had fought brutally murdered them and gravely injured Viruskid who was coming home from the hospital today.

They were found by the clan Burst Crusaders and a friend of (y/n)'s and brought them back to life...

(Y/n) was still missing and now the eggs shared the same status... who ever they fought came solely for the eggs and eggs alone...

Tentionmaru was going to send them back to death... and it was going to be more painful this time since he will make them suffer...

Nhazul sighed, "id straighten you out but id let tentionmaru deal with you himself." He closed his eyes and frowned, "we already found the supposed location of the eggs. By nightfall we move, shuriken will hold the fort till we come back. Viruskid stays behind too."

Kixx turned his head to the side... knowing valueable information was scary sometimes...

The Burst Crusaders knew who and where (y/n) was... it couldn't be a coincidence that the lady... Jikan seemed unaffected by them knowing her.

(Y/n) was not missing... she was alive and and far as he knew... she was out for revenge...

Kixx's cat instincts told him one thing alone: that lobster was a lot more dangerous than she seemed. Much much more. Worse than anyone in Zetanrand.

(time skip)

Nhazul sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

So far, they knew where the eggs were and the possibility that (y/n) was with them... as soon as the sun set, they would leave.

The new base was neat. Had everything they had before and more. They were forced to train outside but it was nothing bad seeing as they fought outiside on a daily basis.

He would explore all the new additions later. He had a rescue mission. There were tons of sharks to deal with... this was like a war... a brutal one...

(Y/)n... if she ever comes back, she's gonna screw over everyone. The shellfish didn't seem like much but was pretty aggressive at times. She was worse than shura... and he actually hits harder than the average male RHG...

Tentionmaru must have taught her at some point... he made a monster.

Nhazul had one idea of how this would go down. And he was some what glad that two of his clan mates were holding back.

He could sense it... a war, a nasty fight coming.

(Y/n), if she were here already, would have gone after the head shark in charge and Tentionmaru after the eggs. They will meet up with each other later down the line. Their goals are in the same, same exact location.

A soft smirk formed on his lips... well isn't this all interesting...


"(Y/n), maybe we can try for peace," Million stated trying to calm her friend down, (Y/n) remained silent as she packed her back for a three day vacation.

Jikan came back with devestating news about the clan. The base was obliterated completely and three valuable members had to be revived while one was on deaths door. She never stated who they were but stated that the burst crusaders were safe and left them to tend to the clan.

She was going back over to stickpage. And she was getting her eggs and mate back. And anyone in her way will be torn to shreds.

(Y/n) had just reach pass her limit...

"We move out immediately."



(Trying to upload everything before school starts next week so... :D)

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