Chapter 15: The calm before the storm

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I don't need a perfect relationship. I just need someone who won't give up on me.

((Y/n) POV)

It's dark...

Why is it so dark... and really warm...

It's the same thing that happened with the burst crusaders... but this time I feel comfortable... really comfortable...

Slowly I found myself recalling a memory of myself being with a male...

A blue stickman... wearing a red scarf. I feel like i know him... but where...

He was resting on my lap... who the hell is the man... I feel happy looking at him, I feel warm and fuzzy being with him... and he's happy with me...

Who the hell is this male?

He turned to look up at me speaking, "I've been thinking about something for a while and I think you should know..."

His eyes were scary but familiar... no pupils... His voice was deep! Damn! I felt myself shivering at it. But it's also familliar... really famillair...

"What is it?" I felt fear in my veins. He smiled and spoke again but in a serious tone...

"I want kids."


The kids...






I forgot the kids, I left them with Tentionmaru...


What have I done?! He doesn't know how to take of the eggs on his own! He cant take care of them on his own, I never taught him how to... he's probably worried about me too.

All my memories came flooding back now... from when I was born to now... and I remembered how I got those injuries and the cave...

I remembered EVERYTHING!!!


3rd person pov 

The sound of chomping and flesh being ripped apart could be heard from the hole. Jayden shivered in fear, he has no memories of this ever happening to her... his rival and friend, the same lobster that he had chats with on a daily basis, radiating such a dark aura...

It's unnatural...

(S/n) seemed unfazed to say the least, but he couldnt miss the slight fear in her (E/c) orbs... "(y/n)? You okay in there?" "... I'm okay." The noise stopped and the lobster stepped out fixing her clothing... "I feel like crap though, how much was I over due." s/n checked her watch... "at first it was a week.. but now... about a month."

"A MONTH!?" She snapped shocking everyone, "I've been out for a month?! Did you even help Tentionmaru will I was gone, he's probably worried about me!" (Y/n)'s eyes welded up with tears, "are they even alive?!" "Yes they are, Tentionmaru is still alive as well."

'That last part's a lie, the dude is literally a stick figure... last time i checked,' Chlomaki mused glaring at her friend, Jayden kept his silence.

"Either way," (y/n) cracked her neck and frowned, "we need to find him before anything gets too out of hand." She stuffed her mouth full of a weird white shell and swallowed it whole, making two of the three people shiver in disgust. "What, every other lobsters and shellfish do this, it's totally normal."

"But we're not lobsters" the orca and witch stated bluntly...

(S/n) sweatdropped at her siblin... "seems like you remember everything?" (Yn)'s gaze darkened into a glare, a cold one that cold freeze a continent in seconds... "I remember alright, I remember the kids, tentionmaru and the one responsible for this entire mess."

"What will you do when you get that person?" Chlomaki hesitated to ask, the (t/c) lobster straightened up and said "I'm going to make him suffer."

And for the first time in his life, Jayden realized his new place in the food chain. He was no longer on top anymore... (Y/n) (l/n) was now the top predator...

And she wasn't stepping down any time soon...


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