Chapter 10: Sharks and a valued friend

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(things are getting interesting (well should be))

Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you.

3rd person POV

At a certain bar in another area, there was a full house. A full house of sharks...drinking and laughing, happier than they've ever been. Some were singing, some were dancing and others were drinking their lives away. They were all enjoying themselves, having 'freed' themselves and having finally reached 'salvation.'

Though they all had one thing in common... they were celebrating... the death of (y/n) (l/n).

(y/n) (l/n) was once a threat to their lives, killing them out, beating them up and in some cases eating them. That one lobster alone cause all of them hell.  

She did not care for them in any way and if she did, it was to make sure that they didn't go extinct... overall, (y/n) was a savage, cruel, vicious, animalist, shark eating shell fish that tormented him for years.

Some wished that Jayden had killed her when they first met, "to freedom!" A lemon shark toasted with a full cup of alcohol. The rest of the bar cheered in response and the sounds of glasses clinking with each other and heavy drinking was heard throughout the room.

Though none can deny... that (y/n) was a true beauty. A beauty that hid a wild beast. A nightmare dressed like a daydream. There were females were who were beautiful but not fierce who were used as toys and those who were fierce and violent, killing everything was threatening to them and their loved ones and... then there was (y/n)...

This woman, despite being a mere shellfish was gorgeous. Eyes brighter than any star, lips fuller than the moon and a deliciously curved body that no stickman/animal could avert their eyes from. But she was cruel. (Y/n) attained both qualities: a delicious body and cruel personality. This jaw dropper could tear out a man's throat with her bare hands. She was a moster.

It was a shame that she had a mate, she would have made a great mother to her children...

Everyone was happy, the atmosphere was lively and the bartender was slowly countung his income for today. Sharks were getting themselves wasted, filling their souls with tge nectar of man. There was a few others who were not with the school who watched in amusement and slight disgust.

A shark burst in, sweaty, tired and winded. A few sharks smiled at him congratulating him on his arrival. "Welcome back Jake!" The shark wheezed out something along the lines of "alive..."


"She... alive..."

"Talk english."


Silence reigned, it seemed that time stopped altogether right then and there. Shock, horror and absolute fear filled the bar. Soft gasps were heard, some welled up with tears while others were already seeing their deaths...

She was still alive, the wild animalistic beast just wouldn"t die... this was bad, (y/n) will inevitably kill them all when she returns. This was no joke, (y/n) WILL kill them, that they cant deny...

"Jake," a tall brown and black shark approached him, "tell me all about it."


And while the carefully detailed explanation and plan followed, the bartender voice recorded EVERYTHING and sent the it to a close friend. He smiled fixing his paper as his tail swished behind him.

"I wish you the best on your quest, ma'am"

"Thank you very much, I will apologize for future drop in costumers in advance."

"No need, I'm sure you know who will be around later to make up for it. She  loves her christmas rum."


(The first to find out who the person the bartender is talking to and the rum-lover gets to decide who the forth fanfiction will be written about😊)

(Though i doubt anyone would answer/read this... -_-)

Rhg Tentionmaru x half lobster! readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя