Chapter 14: Food and molting

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Nothing is worth it if you aren't happy

(Tentionmaru's POV)

"Thanks a lot Nhazul, it really does the trick," I sighed finishing my tenth bowl of ramen. Nhazul sweat dropped at me, his eyes landing on the bowl before me, "I can't believe you just..." I leaned back into my chair, ramen has never tasted so good. 

'Because you haven't eaten anything in the last few weeks' 

My mind had been so focused on the kids and the whereabouts of (y/n) that I forgot about myself. And I told (y/n) that I wouldn't stress myself. If she saw me right now she would be pissed off big time. She'd never let me live it down, hopefully she won't see me or hear about me in this state. 

(Y/n) ... I miss her... I hope she's doing well...

"Hey!" I jumped hearing Nhazul growl, I turned to him, "you were spacing out for five minutes. Man chill out." "I'm just worried." "I told you, your children will be fine." "That's not who I'm worried about, I'm worried about (y/n). I don't know where she is, I know she's alive but... I can't find her, the eggs will crack soon and she won't be here to see them."

"She'll come back, she won't go out like that," Nhazul took sip of his drink, "shellfish or not, that chick's as strong as you, she's only missing a power up and a magic scarf and she could be your copy." My love was considered a Zetabrand member sometimes, dealing punches and kicks harder than Shura.

'I just hope she's still punching and kicking like always...'

"Alright, where to next, we going to eat our lives away today!"

"What the- you're STILL hungry!?"


(3rd pov)


"How long will she go through this, I hate hearing her screams, it's unnerving." Jayden  covered his ears, Million nodded, "we can't do anything about it though, it's natural for shellfish." "But not this level of pain, I've NEVER heard this kind of screams from her. Even her battle cries sound better."

"(Y/n) is (age) now, she has to molt in order to grow and heal injuries, she's been doing this for years, it's just that she missed her scheduled time, so the dry skin in painful ripping its self off from her body." "That totally doesn't sound painful at all.." Jayden turned his head to the side, examining his new surroundings.

The Antarctic was empty... no trees, no grass, nothing. he spotted a few penguins near a small river but it seems like they noticed him first and ran off. There was a lot of algae and fish though. So the place wasn't completely uninhabited. Though he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

"You scared Jayden?" Million teased playfully, he scoffed shaking his head. The witch sighed and glanced back at the two lobsters behind them, (y/n) was slowly molting, her screams had died down but soft whimpers were still being heard.

"It's okay (y/n), it'll be all over soon," he rubbed her shoulder softly and slowly, (y/n) weakly climbed onto her lap, holding onto one of her hands as her body peeled. Her soft pained whimpers slowly broke them down mentally, it crushed them seeing her suffer like this.

(S/n) sighed softly and raised her hand in the air, then brought it down onto her neck.

*WHAM! *

"Eeeehhhh!!??" the witch and orca screamed, "what the hell is wrong with you!?" "I only knocked her out, she was on the verge of passing out anyway. She's nearly done now." (s/n) picked up pieces of skin, "we just need a hole for her to stay in for the next week."

"You shellfish are pretty scary," Jayden sighed, (s/n) looked down as a memory flashed through her mind, "yeah..."

'Two young lobsters in a colony of penguins...'

A lobster molts once a year, it does this to mate, grow and regenerate its lost limbs. In (y/n)'s case, her almost faded wound was healed and she all retained her memories... memories of her friends, her family and most importantly...

Her love...

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