Chapter 8: Memories of a shark

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If you live to be a hundred, i want to a hundred minus one day, so i never have to without you.

On the windiest continent in the world... Antarctica.

A massacre had just taken place... a now single mother screamed as her husband and mate was devoured by a great white shark, how were sharks even able to survive here in the first place? It was far too cold for them to be here. "..." she could only stare in horror as her lover's eyes died out. him mouthing her to run before he unwillingly passed on to the other life.

"Don't worry my love *much much* you'll join him soon enough." The shark smiled as he tore off an arm. She got up as quietly as she could, picked up the sled, placed her nearly hatched eggs on it and took off in a flash, the shark throwing the corpse back as he gave chase.

The lobster moved as fast as she could to her destination: the penguin colony. The small lobster family has been okay with them and on some occasions have helped each other in efforts of attaining food. Now she needed them more than ever.

She managed to reach the hill where she first found the colony and took her first step...


"Ahh!" she screamed out as her tail was shattered, she glared back at the shark as he preyed on her, "let me go, please!" "Not so far missy, I'm not done with you~" she wailed out in agony as he sat on her back and proceeded to chomp on her tail and couldn't do anything to save herself.

With one last ditch effort, she shoved the sled down the hill, its course already marked in stone. She had made her up mind, out of the four of them, two of them must survive even if she had to sacrifice her life. she wasn't leting them die before they were born.

"Tch, you stupid shellfish, I was going to eat them tommorrow. I'll go after them when im done with you."

At the penguin colony, the males were just getting ready to leave to hunt. the females were left to taking care of the children. "I can't wait for you to grow up and be like your father, my little one." A female cooed at her sleeping chick. 

Her mate watched with love and devotion, not wanting to leave. Only then did he remember that he had to fish to keep them alive, did he go. He turned to leave when he saw a sled coming down the hill, full blast. "Guys, sled incoming!" He called out.  everyone their weapons, ready to kill the intruder when it arrived. 

The chief exited his home, hearing all the rukus and spotted the sled, the colours of the sled as well as the blood stains on it as it slowed down. The sled slid to a halt infront of three penguins who cocked their guns ready to shoot. There wasn't anyone on the sled but there was something on it wrapped up in a thick blanket. 

Slowly one of the three males pulled it off and saw a precious site: two lobster eggs, both (s/c) and looking like they were just about to hatch. A soft scream echoed from the hill caught their attention, a female lobster laid dead beneath a bloodied shark, his eyes set on the eggs they had. The chief glared, "that woman... was my friend, when he arrives, kill him, make sure he never leaves this place alive."


"No," the chief growled viciously, "he knows we are here and that we have the eggs, kill him when he arrives. Carry these eggs to the hatchery. And keep an eye on them."

The shark did show up wanting the eggs but was brutally murdered, sliced up and fed to the chicks and the rest of the clan. It was said that the following day, the eggs hatched into two adorable little hatchlings who were named (y/n) and (s/n). They both had their parent's hair and eye colours...
The shark never got the eggs which later hatched...

The hatchlings never knew of their parents who had passed...

And the penguins never knew that the shark had a son who saw the entire thing...

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