Taehyung grabbed both my hands and leaned down, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Your gonna be fine, we will be close by baby. I won't let him hurt you."

I nodded.

"Just call out my name when you can't go further and I'll come in." Taehyung reminded me and I nodded, I leaned my head on his chest and he combed his hand through my hair. I completely forgot Holly and Jackson were in the same elevator as us.

Once I remembered I pulled away.

"Y'all are couple goals." Jackson said.

"T-Thanks," I flushed and stuttered.

"I know I'm very lucky," Taehyung planted a kiss on the top of my head.

The elevator dinged and we silently got off of it.

We all walked into the hallway and we stopped. In the middle of it, a few feet down from Mr. Wu's door.

"His call ended an hour ago so he should be free when you go in," Holly informed.

"Ok." I nodded. I got myself all ready to do the plan and then felt scared again, "Tae—"

"Baby, your gonna be fine, I promise." He said and stroked my hair.

I let out a shaky breath and nodded.

"Ok." I reply.

"There's my brave bunny boy," he kissed the back of my head, making Holly coo along with Jackson. "Ok, go on, we're gonna go hide in the empty conference room, it's not used right holly?"

"Nah, we use the one all the way in the basement. It's fancier." Holly informed.

"Ok. Go ahead kook, let's get this over with." He gently pushed me forward and when I turned around Tae had his earpieces in and he was heading to the room.

Once all four made it into the room he gave me a thumbs up, I turned on a button on the mic and headed towards Mr. Wu's door.

I knocked and my heart started racing.

"Who is it?" The all to familiar voice said through the door.

"Mr. Wu It's Jungkook." I said taking a deep breathe.

The door suddenly swung open.

"Why hello, princess," He said in a perverted manner.

"Sir, please don't call me that, my name is Jeon—-"

"Shut up. My baby sure does have an attitude," he leaned into my ear, "and what happened last time you gave me an attitude?"

"I don't —" I shut my mouth recalling the memories. I bit my lip nervously.

"But if I remember correctly last time we were about to get," he breathed on my neck, "intimate, someone disturbed us...." his breath fanned by my neck, I backed up nervously and my back hit the door.

"Please don't! I have a boyfriend—"

"Well he ain't here, is he?" He growled, pushing my hands above my hair and attacking my neck.

"Stop!" I Squirmed.

"I wonder what that pretty little hole of yours would look like filled up with my cock," in one swift move my shirt was off, and the ice cream tie I decided to wear was in Mr. Wu's hand.

"P-Please Stop," I whimpered and he pinched both of my nipples harshly making me yell with pain.

My nipples were super sensitive.

Mr. Wu suddenly reached behind me and brushed his knuckles down my back harshly, then in one swift move he pushed me down on the sofa, my head hitting the arm on the chair.

I groaned with pain but soon forgot about it when I felt my pants being pulled down.

I opened my mouth to scream for tae but he covered my mouth with his hand, then quickly replaced it with my tie.

"Let's start from where we were last time, yeah?" He said as he pulled my pants fully off.

"HMMM! HMPHHHh!" I tried to scream through the tie, Mr. Wu growled and started to bite my neck. Then a loud thigh slap echoed throughout the room, making me scream.

Realization finally hit me.

Tae was not gonna come because the key word is tae and the mic is hidden in my shirt, which is now pulled off and thrown by the door.

I started crying as Mr. Wu flopped me over and started to head for the waistband of my underwear.

I squirmed around to make it harder for him.

That's when the tie slipped off completely.

"TAEHYUNG!" I screamed, "HELP!" I screamed so loud Mr. Wu flinched.

"Shut up!" He yelled as he grabbed the tie back in my mouth, "Your boyfriend is not going to save you, slutty whore."

"HEL- HMPPPPH!" I screamed but then the rag was shoved back into my mouth.

"Your gonna love daddies cock, baby~" He said.

Then suddenly a loud bang was heard from the outside of the door,

Mr. Wu Locked the door.

"HMMMMMMMMM!" I screamed as Mr. Wu slapped my thigh again making me cry harder.

He looked at the door with a confused look on his face, then a glare at me.

Suddenly the door burst open, it's hinges popping off and flying through the air.

Taehyung came running in, when he saw me crying with Mr. Wu on top of me his eyes darkened.

"GET OFF HIM YOU FUCKER!" He yelled and ran over to me, grabbing Mr. Wu off me.

He punched him and then slammed him onto the floor, he got on top of him and started rapidly fisting at his face. I was starting to feel like I could not breath and I could not talk and so I cried harder.

Taehyung punched Mr. Wu once more until he was unconscious, then heard me and snapped out of it and running to me.

"Baby, Baby, shhh." He took off the tie and picked me up so he was holding me like a babh, my feet wrapped around his waist, arms on his neck, and Taehyung hands were gripped under my thigh.

"I'm sorry baby, but it's all over now." He laid me down as I calmed my breathing. He started putting pants on me, then my shirt, Then my shoes.

He picked me up and started walking out in the hallway.

Jackson and Holly were standing out there, eyes full of sorrow as they looked at my cheeks stained with tears.

I was embarrassed but what else was I gonna do after almost getting raped?

"What should  we do now?" Jackson asked.

"Holly can you take Jungkook down to get some Tea? I'll call 911." Holly nodded and I got out of Taehyung's arms and holy put her hand comfortingly on my back as we headed down.

But at least Mr. Wu would be gone.

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