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(Jungkook's P.O.V)

I woke up just as the sun was peeking over the horizon, sending off hues of purple and pink into the dark morning sky.

I sat up in bed rubbing my eyes, the events from last night coming back to mind.

I smiled at how Taehyung made me feel.

And his nickname for me.


I was his bunny.

Just the haughty of that sent happiness through my veins, I got all giddy at the thought of Taehyung just as a child would when they got a new toy.

I got up and walked to the bathroom and smiled at myself in the mirror.

Then another memory popped into my head.

"Love you," I mumbled out tiredly

"Love you to, bunny." Then the call ended and I drifted off to sleep.

"He probably just said it because he did not want me to feel bad..." I whispered to myself, "it probably meant nothing." I mumbled.

But the thing that hurt Jungkook is...

When he said it, he did mean it.

I brushed the hurt away and tried to keep myself in high spirits by remembering Taehyung called me his bunny.

I walked out of the house and down the sidewalk, the morning air crisp and cool, but since it was mid-spring , almost summer, it was relaxing. It made me feel at ease.

I walked faster then normal to try to avoid a certain someone. Someone I did not want to see for a little while because I was upset with him.

But sadly, that person came up beside me.

"Hi Kook..." Yoongi said in an unsure tone.

"How can you just come up to me and say that so causally? Like you did not almost get my life taken from me? How?" I snapped at him in a cold tone.

"Look—I'm sorry-"

"Just stop. Let me be for a few days please. You don't get what I went through when I got home Yoongi, I'm very angry that you would just betray me like that. Promise or not, you knew I was going through a hard time during it when you found out. In fact that day was supposed to be my first recovery day back and I ended up crying at Namjoon's House!" I yelled the last few sentences. "You should have talked to me...been there for me...not just tell on me."

Yoongi stopped in his tracks and I sped up, leaving him behind in the crisp morning fog.

Eventually I made it to school and walked up the stone staircase into the large brick building. I walked to my locker and quickly put my stuff away and grabbed my text book for my first period class, Chemistry.

I walked in the door and sat down at my spot, second to last table in the back, by the window.

My morning was going great as Taehyung calling me bunny replayed in my mind, along with the compliments he gave me.

It was so secret I liked compliments....I was really into being praised.

Short to say, I was definitely a bottom.

But my whole aura of giddiness was ruined when my teacher spoke up after getting off the phone.

"Jungkook, you need to go to the principals office." She stated and handed me a hall pass.

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