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As the group walked along the path all was silent "Mommy.. I'm tired.." Ana spoke and the group stopped , Ali turned around and smiled "Then I shall carry you.." she spoke picking Ana up , she laid Ana's head upon her shoulder "Thank you mommy" she smiled closing her eyes in peace "Can any of us transform?" Wolf spoke "I could try.. I am not good at transforming into my dragon form.." Kaida spoke fidgeting with her fingers "I'm sure you can sweetie" Ali smiled and it seemed to give Kaida confidence "okay!" she smiled as a white glow encased her as she closed her eyes , but it suddenly vanished and she opened her eyes "I.. failed.." she whispered "keep trying" Zaria spoke and Kaida tried again , after a few tries the glow grew bigger as it blasted everyone back , Ali held Ana in front of her and landed on her back protecting Ana, Zaria grabbed Shadow defending him, Wolf smashed the tree which he was going to hit yet landed on his backside unfortunately , he groaned in pain  however where Kaida stood was now a large white dragon, it flapped its wings  sending a gush of light air, its eyes expressed her apology, she sad as they climbed atop of her and she began to flap her beautiful feather like wings and they rose to the sky "Towards the east Kaida!" Ali shouted and to the east they flew.

Later On-

Night had fallen and everyone was sleepy, so sleepy that they didn't notice Kaida slowing down, by the time they noticed Kaida had reverted, it woke everyone up as Wolf grabbed Kaida and Zaria grabbed Shadow, but Ali fell with Ana, she held her above her as she hit the ground  with such an impact that any human would be dead, however she seemed slightly startled but no injuries, the others tried to fly in however the tree's blocked them "Hello Ali" a familiar voice spoke as Ali turned towards her with eyes wide "Na..nami..? but.. you died.." she stuttered "Indeed I did, but now I've been revived, I can't tell by who however I must kill you if I wish to ever meet up with my love again" she smiled in sorrow "Nanami this isn't you.. stop.." Ali spoke stepping back holding Ana behind her , Nanami however moved at the speed of light and ran behind her aiming to attack Ana but Ali leapt in the way as the long spear made a deep cup within her arm "seems I'll have to knock sense into you huh" Ali spoke as a smile crossed her face "ALI DON'T MESS UP SHE IS USING A WEAPON DESIGNED TO KILL KITSUNES" Zaria shouted however as Nanami flinged her hand up the branches aimed to smash into the group inside the sky "NO!!!!!" Ali shouted as the branches managed to fling the group away "Bad move Ali" Nanami laughed as she swung the spear creating a large gash across Ali's stomach , with this movement Ali stumbled back as she coughed up blood "I truly don't want to do this but I need to see my love.. I'm willing to do anything" she spoke "I don't blame you.. I'd do the same.." Ali mumbled however in that moment her eyes turned a golden colour "Which is why I can't afford to die , I have to stay alive.. for them but.." Ali spoke and got up regardless of the wounds "PLEASE JUST STAY DOWN! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS!" Nanami shouted with tears forming in her eyes "I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF ANYMORE ALI, I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU, BUT I CAN'T STOP THIS , I NO LONGER LIVE, I'M BEING CONTROLLED BY SOMEONE WHO I DON'T EVEN KNOW SO PLEASE.. Just stay do-" - "Nanami.. come back to me.." Ali had walked up to Nanami, her hands trembled holding the spear as the tears fell "Please.. end me.. I don't wanna do this.." Nanami begged however Ali embraced her "it's alright.. I can't ever end my comrades.. No matter what.." she whispered and Nanami felt as if she had just been stabbed in the heart as she felt her own hands pierce the dagger through Ali "You are always gonna be my friend... Nanami.." Ali whispered before collapsing "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALI NO! NO! NO! NO!" Nanami screamed but her body laughed "Finally that nuisance is gone maybe you are useful after all" the voice spoke and Nanami felt her world collapsing , those words.. kept replaying.. "you are always gonna be my friend.. Nanami.." she looked at Ali , something felt okay though.. Nanami ignored it.. she murdered her own friend.. she teleported herself away, not being able to bear the sight.

When Nanami Was Gone

"M-M-Mommy..?" Ana whispered collapsing at the kitsunes side.. her blonde hair was stained with specks of red.. her fiery eyes gone.. they were closed.. the blood still fresh "MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ana screamed and it came out as a howl, the group ran quickly but Zaria froze at the sight.. "ha.. ha.. Ali.. come on.. get up.. this isn't funny.." Zaria whispered , her feet frozen to the floor "Zaria.. breathe.." Wolf whispered "I'M GONNA KILL NANAMI" Zaria growled storming past what was believed to be a corpse however a hand grabbed her foot "I need.. to get.. to... Merlin.. He has.. the cure... to this poison.. that blocks my healing.." she gasped out "I know where he is!" Zaria shouted, Wolf picked Ali up , her face was becoming more and more pale by the minute, they ran and flew as fast as they could , praying their comrade would live.

A New Tale - The Swap - Sequel To The End Of This TaleWhere stories live. Discover now