Zaria's Birthday

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I just wanna say arigato for being with me so this chapter is dedicated to you my lovely sister, Happy Birthday, love you! Sorry incredibly Late!

P.S This Is An AU so ya.

"Another year has passed"  the red haired female mumbled 

Zaria's P.O.V

I groggily opened my eyes as last night dawned upon me 


"Ali come on, lets get some sleep" I spoke "hmmm NO!" she replied "sleep Ali!" I spoke again "NO!!!!!!" she growled at me with a straight face "okay well i am gonna sleep then miss no sleep" i replied with a smile but as I was walking to my room I glimpsed back at her.

She believed I had forgotten my birthday but she does this each year..

Memories -

"Happy birthday sister!"


"Happy birthday big sis"


"Big sis! look! I made you this!" 

the little blonde haired girl smiled at the brunette as she handed her a necklace with a small rock decorated with blue attempted runes which only one seemed to work, it was a small little rock , the size of a locket and you would have to look closely to see the runes "Thank you Als!" the brunette smiled hugging the little girl as the scene faded away.


"Zaria!" a voice broke through my memories and I saw the little girl in the bedroom doorway "little sister.." i mumbled with a smile on my face as the little girl turned into the young lady I knew as my little sister Alisiana , she was what I held dear to me.. I'd protect her no matter the cost "Happy birthday Zaria!" she smiled leaping onto me as she hugged me "What time did you sleep last night?" I questioned "Unsure, the sky was still dark though" she replied with a smile "You surely ought to sleep sis" I spoke grinning "What surprises have you setup this year for me" I smiled "You shall seeeee" the blonde smiled jumping up as she left the room, i quickly got dressed and walked out to see the table full of food but.. it didn't look right but Ali was smiling brightly as if this was a great achievement to her and that gave me the strength to eat a lot of it , I smiled at her as she ate but as she took one bite she paused "whats wrong..?" I questioned "Sis.. it tastes bad.." she stared as tears began forming in her eyes "No! it's delicious!" i smiled shoveling food into my mouth , after the meal she walked up to me and handed me a necklace with a locket, i opened it and I saw me and Ali as kids "Ali..." I smiled with tears in my eyes as I hugged her , she hugged back with a smile, as I put on the necklace we began to talk and before I knew it, night fall was upon us, but Ali grinned as she led me outside and flames formed upon her hands " what is it sis..?" i questioned before she threw them into the sky and they exploded.. I watched as they gracefully exploded so high that they vanished before they could get to the ground , she threw multiple colours of flames and each set my heart aflame with happiness "Happy Birthday My Dearest Sister!" she shouted with a smile and the moment was perfect to me.. My dearest sister.. me and the flames.. this was the best birthday present she had ever given to me..

( sorry its short im low on inspiration. )

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