The Incident

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They set out upon their quest, Ana, Kaida , Alisiana, Zaria, Wolf

All hoping to return the world to what it once was

Third Person's P.O.V

"sorry for mentioning this late mom, but can we find big brother first?" Kaida questioned "Who...?" Ali replied in confusion "There's three of us.. Shadow.. Ana.. and Me" Kaida spoke "Oh.. okay then.. what this Shadow look like...?" Ali questioned "black hair with gray streaks and a whites streak.. and blue eyes" Ana spoke but as Ali looked back at Kaida she was staring into the distance "SHADOW!!!!!!" she shouted at a guy in the distance and there he stood.. as he was described... "Mom..? dad..? ANA.. KAIDA WHERE ARE WE" he shouted "let's go into that tavern over there" Wolf spoke looking up at the gray sky, as they got inside the tavern it seemed empty, only the bartender and a few alcoholics, the group sat at a table as a young girl walked up to them "excuse me ma'am but... i'm lost... have you seen my parents..." she questioned and all of them stared at her "We'll find them." Shadow spoke loud standing up "are you sure..?" Wolf questioned "Hold up! we have a quest to do, no time for helping people and she's probably gonna mug us if we do" Ali spoke getting up "Then I'll do it myself." Shadow spoke walking out of the cavern with the little girl by his side , Zaria stood up "your children sure are stubborn Als but they in the end are your kids so let's go help him" Zaria spoke but Ali was already gone.

With Shadow

the little girl led him through town, he felt a presence following him but ignored it , as he recognized the darker parts of town he didn't see the large man running up to him with a thick stick in hand..

arms wrapped around him covering his eyes



the noise of a body hitting the ground, the arms left his face as he turned around.. Ali.. had been hit on the head and was knocked unconscious


A New Tale - The Swap - Sequel To The End Of This TaleWhere stories live. Discover now