S2 〖Chapter 8〗

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Tzuyu's outfit above ^^

Next Day..

"Hey,Tzuyu,you okay?" Asked Vivi,walking beside Tzuyu as she was wrapping her arms around her binder."You look like you saw a ghost".

"I-It's nothing" stuttered Tzuyu."Something just happened yesterday".

Sh*t,this will make things more awkward for me and Jungkook! Ugghhh... – thought Tzuyu.

"Wait up guys!" Exclaimed a girl's voice.

Both Vivi and Tzuyu turn their heads and see Valerie running towards them.Vivi and Tzuyu stop on their tracks before waiting for Valerie to catch up with the two.

"Hey Val!" Greeted Tzuyu with a grin."Have you met Vivi before?".

"No" answered Valerie."I just had to memorize every single student here because I'm the school president".

"Oh yeah" said Tzuyu."anyways,what's up?".

"There's a newbie attending Vengeance High" answered Valerie.

"Do you know her name?" Asked Tzuyu.

"Lilith Villareal" answered Valerie making Tzuyu's eyes widened.

"She's my childhood best friend!" Said Tzuyu."Dibs on touring her around the school".

"No need to go dibs on her,your one of the officers of the school,plus Principal Desu assigned you to tour her anyway" said Valerie.

"I've heard of the name Villareal before" said Vivi."I've heard the Villareal's own Versace,and they have a five star hotel in Canada,they also have many colthing companies including one called 'Villalicious' which is the bomb! I think they have more buy I can't remember the rest".

"Isn't Versace expensive?" Asked Valerie and Vivi gave a nod.

"That's the Villareal's" said Tzuyu."Is her brother attending as well?".

"Abel Villareal?" Asked Valerie and Tzuyu gave a nod."Oops,forgot about him but yeah he's attending as well so your touring two.He's really handsome!".

"My Cousins are the best" said Tzuyu."and if Abel wasn't my cousin,I will date him,no joke".

"Can I date him?" Asked Vivi.

"He's taken" said Tzuyu,Vivi and Valerie pouting in response."By a girl named Marcelina Roonie".

"She's the captain of the badminton club AND the table tennis club" said Vivi."I never interacted with her but I've heard she's really cool".

"She IS" said Tzuyu."Mal is really damn lucky".

"Mhm" said Both Vivi and Valerie.

"Is it me or are both of you twins or something?" Asked Tzuyu.

"Nope,it's just our pink hair" answered Valerie."Plus my last name is Maki and Vivi's is Wong".

"Does the name Jackson Wang ring a bell?" Asked Tzuyu out of the blue.

"He's my coz" answered Vivi making Valerie shock.

"He never told me he had a cousin" said Valerie.

"Me either" said Tzuyu."but both their last names are quite the same so I'm not surprised".

"Have you guys heard as well.Golden High is gonna be with us for today to Friday" said Valerie making Tzuyu's eyes widened.

Oh heck naw! Please let me live! I can't face Jungkook right now! – Thought Tzuyu.

"Wait what!" Said Tzuyu in shock.

"Is something wrong? have you gone into a fight with them? do you need us to confront them?" Asked Valerie in worry.

"Chill,something just happened yesterday between me and someone and I am NOT telling who it is" answered Tzuyu.

"Let's go check outside if Lilith and Abel is already here" said Valerie.

"You guys go ahead,I'll go meet up with my friends" said Vivi with a smile befor giving a wave and walk off.

Valerie and Tzuyu then turn their heel and made their way towards outside.Checking if there was signs of the two Villareal's.

"They will mostly ride a limo or any fancy car" said Tzuyu.

"Can Lilith be my BFF?" Asked Valerie.

"Nope.She's my BFF,you can befriend her tho'' answered Tzuyu.

Valerie gave a pout before squealing and pointing at a direction.Tzuyu look at where Valerie was looking and thought it was BTS and Twice since it was close to their direction but it was actually a Lamborghini.

The Lamborghini doors open as a girl step out of the car,Tzuyu gave a smirk before going towards the car,Valerie following behind.

"Sup Lili Bear!" Greeted Tzuyu,fist bumping Lilith.

"Sup Yoda!" Greeted Lilith back.

Lilith step aside before her brother steps out of The car.Lilith has dyed her hair into Platinum white with pink highlights while her brother didn't and kept his Jet Black hair.

"Hey Bel-Bel!" Greeted Tzuyu.

"Hey Chocolate!" Greeted Abel back.

The two gave each other a quick embrace before linking arms with each other,Tzuyu dragging Valerie in as Valerie was linked with Tzuyu on her left side while Abel was on her right as Abel did the same with Lilith.

Little did they know,Two people were watching Tzuyu and Abel in jealousy.Glaring at the Villareal and balling their fists.

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