The same people who pretended I didn't exist when Mason broke up with me.

We pull up in front of a large double-story house, the garden bursting with colours, the green grass immaculate. Thick white columns flank the double wooden door, covered by a red tiled roof. Large bay windows stretch across the outside of the cream walls, giving us a glimpse of the interior.

A tall, shirtless man steps out the door, just as Mason pulls up in front of the entrance. He is instantly recognisable, from his short dark hair to his chocolate eyes and bulky frame. Drew hasn't changed that much since high school.

"Mase!" he exclaims cheerfully, "you're late." He then turns to me and he can't seem to hide the shock that covers his face. He does a double take, glancing back at Mason before turning his attention back to me. "Diana Hamilton?"

I give a slight nod before he pulls me into a big bear hug. I can smell the beer on his breath, and it seems like he has already consumed quite a few.

"Okay, let go of my girlfriend." Mason scowls and Drew releases me, patting his friend playfully on the back before looking me up and down.

"She's a keeper, Mase." He laughs loudly, ignoring the look on Mason's face. I feel uncomfortable under Drew's scrutiny, tempted to try and pull my dress down so that it covers more of my legs.

Why did I wear such a short dress?

"Let's go inside," Mason says gruffly, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. We step into the house, and it's even more impressive inside than it is from the outside.

A winding staircase leads the way to a second floor, there's a massive kitchen in front of us, all dark marble counters and fancy appliances. Mason leads me to a glass door, outside in the back, is a massive pool and a tiled veranda.

A couple of people mingle around, or dig through the cooler boxes that are set off on the side, bursting with ice blocks and drinks. Smoke curls up from a black braai stand, the smell of charcoal filling the air.

I watch as one guy shoves another into the large pool, splashing water everywhere. The guy surfaces spraying water out of his mouth, and shaking hair out of his face. Everyone seems to notice our entrance at once and there are numerous shouts.

"Mason, about time."

"Thought you'd never make it!"

"Hey, who's the girl?"

"Hey Mason, she looks too hot for you!"

Mason seems to take it all good naturedly, waving at everyone and introducing me. "Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, Diana."

But that just starts up more shouting as some of the guys recognise me from school.

Mason ignores them and points them out individually. "That's Dale over there and his girlfriend Ava. Matt and Trent. Deon, Duncan and Wyatt. The guy in the pool is Vince, and the one who pushed him in is Sean. That's Penelope and Tyler. And the couple making out in the corner there is Seb and Selena."

To be honest, I don't think I'm going to remember half those names. I barely recognise them from Statton High.

Drew steps out the house and Mason turns to him. "I need to change, do you mind looking after Diana for me?" As if I need a babysitter. "Keep those vultures away from her."

"Sure I'll take real good care of her." Drew slings an arm around my shoulder and steers me towards the cooler box as Mason heads inside. "What you want to drink?"

I glance nervously towards the door Mason has just disappeared into, playing with the strap on my handbag. I wish he hadn't left me alone so soon. I don't know anyone here except for him and Drew. I'm starting to feel more than a little bit uncomfortable. "Water's fine thanks."

Alcohol would only make this situation worse.

"You know," Drew mutters, as he digs through the ice, searching for a bottle of water. "You look really different from high school.

I roll my eyes. As if I haven't heard that before, from Mason.

Why is it so shocking? People change.

"I can't believe Mason was right the whole time." He finally straightens up, a bottle of water clutched in his hand.

That catches my attention. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when we were teasing him about dating you, he always said that you had potential." The alcohol has clearly loosened his tongue. "That, if he could just get you to lose some weight, you would be really hot." He seems almost gleeful as he says this; completely unaware that he has just delivered earth shattering information.

Every single word that falls from his mouth pierces me like a well-placed arrow, shredding through my dignity and leaving it in tatters.

He tries to hand me the bottle, but my mouth has dropped open in shock and I can't quite make myself reach out to take it. "What?" is all I manage to say. There's no way that he's being serious. This can't be true. Can it?

"Well, that's the only reason he dated you in the first place." His casual tone drops and he seems to finally realise the blow he just dealt. "Hey, I'm sorry Diana. I thought you knew."

I shake my head quickly, working hard to close my mouth. The earth seems to shake beneath my feet and I reach out and grab his arm to steady myself or I know I will fall over.

"So, that's why he dated me," I manage to say through a mouth that feels as dry as a desert.

Because I had potential.

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