Chapter 16

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"I think that went quite well," Mason says on the drive home

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"I think that went quite well," Mason says on the drive home.


I just spent three extremely long hours in tense silence, punctuated with me and Mason's mother glaring daggers at each other. The only person who really spoke at dinner was Mr Hayworth, who spent the whole time talking about his favourite subject; himself. If you would call that 'well', then I guess you could say that it went really well.

I however, think it was an absolute disaster.

After the showdown that happened between me and Mrs Hayworth in the bathroom, I wanted nothing more than to ask Mason to take me home. But then, I realised that if I left, she would win. And after what she said about my parents, there was no way I was going to let that happen. I was determined to sit through that seven course meal and enjoy every single bite of it, no matter how uncomfortable the rest of the dinner guests made me.

Although now, I do regret it slightly as my tummy protests from being way too full.

"It could have gone better," I say tentatively. I haven't told him about what his mother said to me yet. Mason clearly didn't pick up on the tension. Although, I'm struggling to see how that's possible; it was so thick, it almost suffocated me.

"And it could have gone worse. The very definition of well!" He smiles, releasing a hand from the steering wheel and placing it on my leg.

That's really not the definition of well.

But I don't say anything, letting him think that the night had gone alright. I am almost one hundred per cent sure that he will be getting a phone call from one of his parents in the near future, telling him to end our relationship.

But until then, I will let him be happy thinking everything went okay.

For me, the only good thing that came out of this awful night is that it gave me some insight into Mason's upbringing. Meeting his parents properly has really put his actions into perspective. It's no wonder that he is the way he is after being brought up by them.

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I barely register that Mason has started slowing down. He pulls up outside my apartment and shifts his car into park. "Thanks for this Di, it really meant a lot to me."

"You're welcome."

"Maybe next time we do dinner with your parents?"

"Uh yeah sure," I manage. Given how much my parents dislike him, it's not likely. I guess that's one thing Mason and I definitely have in common; his parents clearly dislike me as well.

"I'll see you soon?" I reach out to grab the door handle, but he unbuckles his seat belt and pulls me to him, placing his lips on mine.

It feels different from our previous kisses. For some reason, it feels more intense. There's an urgency behind his lips that I can't quite place, and the way his hands tug on my waist as though he can't get close enough takes my breath away. I find myself returning it full force, pouring the pent up emotions from the evening into it. My arms wrap around his neck, my fingers tangling in the curls at the base of it.

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