Chapter 6

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One coffee date, lead to another and another and then an invitation to the movies

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One coffee date, lead to another and another and then an invitation to the movies.

But, despite the increasing amount of time we were spending together, he hadn't kissed me yet. Which made me wonder if this was the beginning of a relationship, or just a simple friendship.

I couldn't be sure, and I was too scared to ask.

The fact that he always seemed to look around to make sure that no one ever saw us together did absolutely nothing for my confidence. I can assure you.

"So, you've been on three dates with him and he still hasn't kissed you?" Hailee asked as she lay on my bed, her head hanging off the side, her long curly hair dragging on the floor.

"But tonight we are going to the movies, so I think this might be it," I insisted, wishing she was more excited for me. "You're supposed to be helping me choose what to wear."

"Something about that guy just doesn't feel right to me. He's," she paused as she tried to think of the right word to use, "slimy. Don't you think?"

"No, I think he's gorgeous, and sexy and perfect and what do you think of this shirt?" I held up a red top so she could see.

She just shrugged, "I like what you have on now." She pointed at the blue skirt and white top that I was wearing.

I put down the hanger with the red shirt on it and hang my head. "I look fat."

"D! Don't ever say that okay? You are not fat, you are beautiful! Mason would be lucky to have you, even if he is a slime-ball."

"Easy for you to say, you're a twig." I gesture towards her stick thin figure.

"Okay, I am going to ignore that rudeness because you are my best friend and I know you are just nervous. I would kill to have your figure! You have nice boobs and an epic bum! I am just a back with a crack."

I snorted with laughter at her description. All the tension I had been carrying about my weight a few seconds before seemed to dissolve.

What are best friends for?

"You look lovely. Now, go have fun on your movie date and call me later to tell me all about it." She told me as she left the house.

I sat and waited for Mason to arrive, by the time he did he was so late I had managed to convince myself that he had stood me up and would not be coming at all.

The knock on the door sent my heart into a spasm and I was so excited, but trying so hard not to show it as I greeted him.

"Sorry I'm late, you know how it is." Was the only explanation I got, but I didn't care as he hugged me hello and led me to his truck.

"So," he said as he clicked his seatbelt in, "action or comedy?"

I really didn't like action movies so my answer was obvious. "Comedy." The frown on his face told me that it had not been the right one so I quickly changed it. "Uh, I mean, action?"

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