Chapter 2

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I am still mentally cursing myself when I arrive at Statton High

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I am still mentally cursing myself when I arrive at Statton High. Slamming the door to my office, I throw my bag on my desk and pace up and down the small room.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Have you learnt nothing after all these years?

A big part of me is hoping that he won't call me. That he will just forget our chance encounter on the street this morning and that I will never have to see him again.

But another part, the traitor part, keeps checking my phone even though I only saw him half an hour ago. It's ridiculous. After everything that happened between us, I should be on my way to the store to cancel my number and get a new one.

And yet I still can't resist checking it one more time. Just in case.


A knock on the door interrupts my internal debate on my own idiocy. I take a moment to compose myself before walking over to open it, making sure to place my phone face down on the way.

"Miss Hamilton." Principal Withers stalks into my office without being invited in, and plops down on the chair in front of my desk.

When we were in High School, Hailee and I used to joke that his surname suited him, because he gave such 'withering' looks. I am on the receiving end of one of those right now.

I calmly walk over to my side of the desk and lower myself onto my chair, looking over at him and waiting for him to reprimand me.

"You're late," he points out.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just been one of those mornings." I smile apologetically, knowing that despite all our jokes in High School, Barry Withers isn't really a bad guy. In fact, he's quite a nice boss.

His hair is balding and his nose, for some reason, is always tinged slightly red, as though he has constant allergies. He twirls his wedding ring around his finger, it's a habit of his that I've noticed over the years. Sometimes I think he feels a bit overwhelmed by the responsibility that rests on his shoulders. Although, I can't be sure.

"Is everything alright with you Miss Hamilton?" he asks in his gruff voice, scrutinizing me as though looking for something.

I self-consciously touch a hand to my hair, hoping that my makeshift bun is still in place, "yes, sir."

"You look a little," he seems unsure of the correct word to use, "rattled."

I flinch slightly. Was I that transparent?

"Forgive my intrusion, it's just that our students need to see you calm and steady at all times. As their Guidance Counsellor, it wouldn't be," another pause, "productive for them to see you... rattled."

I wonder if this conversation is making him as uncomfortable as it is me? "I am fine sir, as I said, it's just been one of those days!"

"As I'm sure you're aware, I took a big risk when I hired you. Most schools wouldn't hire someone with so little experience. But, given your history with Statton I felt compelled to give you a chance. It's worked out so far and the students love you. However, if this becomes a habit we may have to re-evaluate."

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