Chapter 4

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Mason sauntered up to me at my locker the following day

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Mason sauntered up to me at my locker the following day. "Well if it isn't my favourite library girl."

I looked around, convinced that he couldn't possibly be speaking to me. But, the vicinity was otherwise deserted with only a few students milling around further up the hallway.

His deep throaty chuckle reached my ears and I turned back to face him. "Yes, I'm talking to you, Di."

My heart fluttered at the fact that he had addressed me directly. Not only that, he had called me his favourite.

"What are you doing after school this evening?" His voice was soft and he glanced over his shoulder, almost as though he wanted to make sure no one was listening.

"I'm uh-," the honest answer would be to tell him that I was going home to binge watch The Vampire Diaries, while stuffing my face with any junk food I could get my hands on.

But there was no way in hell I was going to tell him that.

"-going to grab a coffee with me?" He finished my sentence for me.

Sometimes in life, there are moments that you know you are going to remember forever. No matter what happens in between, they stay with you. That was one for me.

Every detail is etched so perfectly in my mind. I can close my eyes and I am transported back to that day in the school hallway. The sound of lockers slamming and the distant chatter of fellow students as they went about their day. The way the sunlight shone through the windows and caught in his hair, making the colour seem almost golden as opposed to its usual light brown. His cerulean eyes searching my face as he waited for an answer.

Although to be honest, I would have bet my entire life's savings that he knew what it would be before I uttered the single word that would change my life.


When I left school that day I was so excited I could barely contain myself. I had a date with Mason Hayworth.


I wanted to shout a big 'screw you' to all the popular girls at the school. But I thought that might be getting a bit ahead of myself. Especially since, despite my excitement, I wasn't actually sure that what we were going on was a date at all.

Of course I told my best, and only, friend about it.

Hailee and I had grown up together. We were so entangled in each other's lives that she had become a part of my family. We had shared many things in the years we had known each other. Secrets divulged at sleepovers, hopes and dreams we were too scared to tell anyone else, in case we jinxed ourselves and they never came true.

Her reaction shocked me, to say the least.

"Are you sure you should go?"

My mouth dropped open as she said those words. Mason freaking Hayworth had asked me to go for coffee with him and she wasn't sure I should go? At the time, it felt like the strangest thing she had ever said to me.

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