13 | State of Shock

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Semaj's POV

I sat the lunch table with Lina who was hugged up with Tucker and Kearston, who had finally decided that she wanted to return to school. She had been missing for at least a week, and although Lina and I were curious about her decisions about the baby, we decided it was best if we didn't bring it up while in school. People were nosy and always dipped in other's conversations, and we didn't want to embarrass her. She had been tight-lipped about it, so we felt it was only right that we stayed quiet too. But I was itching to find out.

"So, I'm thinking about not doing Sparkle anymore, Semaj," Kearston looked over at me. "It's yours again if you want it."

"What?" I shook my head, "I can't."

"Why not Maj?" Lina jumped in, "you are the only one who knows the songs and lines."

My eyes bounced between the both of them as I stumbled over the words I was trying to say, but they just wouldn't come out. I did know the songs and words, and that was only because I was bored while in the hospital and once I was released, so I used to help Lina out with learning her lines. That ultimately led me to learning Sparkle's lines.

"Why can't you do it? That thing that we talked about a week or two ago isn't holding you back, is it?" I tried to be as discrete as possible. Tucker glanced at Lina with a confused expression, but she played it off as if she didn't know what I was talking about either by shrugging her shoulders.

"No, but I want you to do it, you know," she smiled coolly, but I still shook my head.

"Oh, for the love of God Maj just do it!" Lina groaned as she rolled her eyes. "The fate of our show lies in your hand. So, either be Sparkle or allow some other non-talent ass bitch take the lead role."

I rolled my eyes agitatedly at Lina before turning back to Kearston. "I guess I can take over... again."

"Cool," Kearston smiled, but she didn't seem too enthusiastic to give up her role. I knew there was something else to it, but with Tucker sitting at the table with us there was really nothing I could say without telling her business. Kearston excused herself from the table and my eyes followed her as she quickly left out of the lunchroom. Lina and I glance at one another before nodding our heads and getting up to follow her.

"Hey, where y'all goin?!" Tucker yelled with his arms raised in the air.

"We gon come back," Lina replied, waving him off.

Meanwhile I kept walking forward before we wouldn't be able to find Kearston, but it was easier than I thought it would be. Her cries in the silent hallway were easy to follow and we found her sitting on the wooden bench near the front office using her hands shielding her face so no one would see her crying. Lina and I sat on either side of her and tried to console her the best way we could. We couldn't relate to what she was going through and neither of us knew the right words to say to help her.

"Kearston I really don't know what to say..." My voice trailed off and my eyes begged Lina to pitch in and try to help.

She made a face at me that screamed she didn't know what to do either. Lina bit down on her lip as she glanced down at Kearston while awkwardly patting her back as if she was afraid to touch her.

"What have you decided to do with the baby?" I asked once Kearston's tears slowly started to subside.

"I'm getting an abortion," she mumbled in a low tone and as if on cue Lina and I's heads snapped up, connecting our eyes to one another's. Had my ears deceived me or did Kearston just say what I thought she said? My eyes slowly trailed back down from Lina and back to Kearston who slowly lifted hers as she used the wrist of her hoodie to wipe her face.

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