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(Y\N)'s pov

I was cleaning the foyer alone since 5.0.5. had to clean the kitchen again, and the strangest thing happened. I was dusting a table when I heard someone walking behind me. I assumed it was Flug or Demencia or something, so I continued on like nothing was wrong.

But, then I turned around and nearly bumped into Black Hat! I stumbled for the right words.

"Uh- I... I uh..."

It's too late to run away now! Where should i go? I try to slip to the right and get away, but he grabs my arm. What the hell? Let go!

He just sighs and pulls out a gun he was holding. It looks really weird and futuristic, but I'm not worrying about that.

He holds the gun to my wound. I try to pull away. No! Is he trying to shoot my arm off?

He pulls the trigger and i close my eyes, just waiting for my arm to get blown to pieces. But instead i feel a sort of ray. Like a beam of light. I open my eyes and see my injury healing! It's like magic. Black hat has this look of complete resentment on his face.

I feel a sharp pain, but it doesn't hurt enough for me to make a sound.

He takes the gun back and walks away, mumbling.

"W-what?" I call quietly

"I didn't mean to hurt your arm." He says, not looking back.

I look down at my wrist. Really?

Demencia falls from the ceiling, right in front of me. I jump backwards and yelp in surprise.

"Wow! He apologized! Kind of. "

"Not really" I raise my eyebrow in response.

"But then again, he doesn't really hurt any of us either!" She smiles that crazy smile of hers.

"Uh, wow, thanks, Demencia."

Sometimes i worry about her. Scratch that, I always worry about her.

But Black Hat is just such a confusing... Asshole...

Flug's pov

Black Hat's been... Talking about the new maid, (Y\N) a lot recently. He actually asked me to design a healing ray gun for her.

He got really angry and told me that if it didn't work perfectly, he'd kill me. I know he's just joking but... You can't be too careful can you? Haha yeah...

It actually makes me a bit jealous... I... Well, black hat never does anything nice for us, I guess he just really likes her.

She is really nice though (I didn't know black hat was into that...) And she's good at cleaning.

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