The beginning

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3rd person pov

(Y\N) was a shy, timid girl who went to school, got A's... And that's it. Even if she wanted friends, she couldn't have them due to the rumors going around her school. All she had to do was walk down the hall and she could hear them talk.

"Did you hear? Her parents are dead, cause she killed them..."

" She lives on the streets, from what i know. "

"Yeah, have you seen her clothes? It looks like she found them in a dumpster"

In fact, (Y\N)'s parents WERE dead, but they were killed in a freak accident involving a hero, a villain, and a building. But, ironically,  the villain wasn't the one who brought the building down.

So (Y\N) hated heroes. With all of her heart. (Which was rumored not to exist)

(Y\N) actually lived with her aunt, who did not care for her at all. She didn't buy (Y\N) anything, including food. (Y\N) had to either scrounge for scraps or steal money, which she had gotten rather good at. (Y\N) didn't even have a room. And she was not allowed to sleep on the couch. Most days she slept outside, watching the stars, imagining what it'd be like to be eaten alive out there.

She also wished she had a phone. All she had was her iPad, which she used to watch YouTube videos, and to browse for some of the cool things that Villainous sold. They obviously cost too much for (Y\N) to even imagine buying anything.

Wait... What's that in the corner of her screen? A notification for some activity on the villainous page? (Y\N) clicked on it, thinking it was another advertisement, but no... It was a job opportunity to work for black hat! (Y\N) was so excited! It was only to become a live-in maid, but nonetheless, (Y\N) made a plan to leave school early to go to the interview. (Y\N)'s aunt was too busy to notice she was gone, and who would go looking for her anyway?I

She couldn't get to sleep that night. She was too excited to pack up and leave this Hell she called home.

XD sorry if it's too short\long! I'll try my best to get the right character personalities!

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