She is a hegemon

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This is a story of a young girl
Oooooh man she was the best
But she didn't realize that
She had no confidence
I think it was a dark time in her life
She had this writing gift
These something about her, something about her weirdness that made everyone stare
She wasn't born to be like them
She was bathe in gold ink in her mother's womb
And the womb spirits told her there will come a time you'll see what you are
They said close your eyes and see,
See with your heart
And feel it and write
As she grew up
She finally opened her heart's eyes
And burnt the cloth that covered her mind
They started seeing a her different side
She was no longer shy
She didn't care what they said behind her back
She finally found herself
She was finally accepting her gifts
She was starting to see her talents
Even though they were not obvious
She was a breathe taking mosaic
Golden dust stones made her shine
A breathing and walking art
She is now a hegemon
This is her testimony
If you push yourself to the limits
You will see the stars
And you will also be a star

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