giving you up

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You said you will never let me down

But look at me now

I am in tears

I have problem with love, unlike my peers

You said you will love me forever

Guess forever is never

Our love bumped rocks  

But we don't even talk anymore.

And It hurts to the core

I love you more than the sea loves the sand

I think you were just saying that

I am the only one attached

And it's so sad

Guess I am just a young naïve girl

Still stuck on high school musical

But you are no Troy and I am no Gabriella

The healer is the heartbreaker

He said I am being sensitive like it's a wrong thing.

Maybe you never really cared, it was just a fling.

It's so sad because I thought you were different

And descent.

My heart was screaming he is the one.

And every time I looked at you, I felt like a queen with a crown

But I was just a stupid clown

Who thought it was real love

Funny how things change

One second we chained, together

The next moment we so much further

Funny how fast things can fall apart

We were both building a home in each other's hearts

But you stopped building your home.

I want to be a king in his throne

Your words

And when you had the throne

You turned so cold

Stupid heart look at us now

We are stuck on this guy

Because It's so hard not caring

And it's even harder pretending,

Like everything is fine

But I am dying inside

I want to wash my hands, so bad

And give up on us

Because you don't know how

I am tired of hitting these bumps

Tired of these boys playing with my heart

Because you know what I never say I LOVE YOU to a person and not mean it

I have cut off so many people

But I am finding it so hard to quit this

I want you to be part of my life

And you have no idea how much I care

I love you more than anything I swear

I hope this is a down because I am waiting for an up

It's so hard giving you up

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