It was time to let him go(the break)

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We had a little argument 

About a girl you posted 

You explained it was one of your  friends 

We stopped talking about it 

I told you i needed some little attention 

And i was waiting for you to show me some affection 

You made a lame excuse about being busy but you are always online 

You don't even take five seconds to type Hi 

I was tired of understanding, you were crossing  the line

He didn't want to admit that he was wrong 

He didn't want to open up to me and tell me what's going on 

It was not long,

So this stupid fool told me he wanted a break

He started explaining, 

He said we need time to find ourselves and be sure about what we want 

Dummy i know what i desire and it's you 

This guy was a fool 

I won't lie i was so shook

I kept replaying his words in my head 

'We should take a break'

 It was too much to take

I thought my eyes were deceiving me 

So i reread the message again 

Hoping it would change 

I swear i thought it was a mistake 

So i shed some tears 

Talked about it with my friends 

I was so mad 

I couldn't sleep, i was awake 

I kept rereading his text 

I couldn't believe this 

Six months down the drain 

I was planning  a dinner for two

How could you? 

How could you do this to me? 

After everything we have been through 

I felt a sharp pain,

On my chest and my eyes were tired of crying 

So i curled up in a ball and ended up sleeping  

I woke up the next day feeling a little better

Decided to take a long shower

I was running away from misery 

I didn't want to think about it 

So i played some hip pop music 

While doing my make up 

Took a lot of selfies 

Tons of videos 

Told myself i'm done getting upset 

You don't care about me, You never did 

And you know what i made a decision 

I have tolerated a lot of bull 

It's been fun 



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