It's a mess but i still love you

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I'm hurting because of this situation
It's a every day thing
I don't have a solution
I don't know how I will cope
How can I control my emotions
So its better to just lose hope
I can pretend but the thought will visit my head
It's bad, really bad
Its messed up
I can't do anything about it
You can't do anything about it
The only thing we can do is fold our arms and watch it collapse,
Collapse in front of our eyes
I feel like calling my mom and ask her
"Mom what do you do when things are like this?"
Where can I find help, a little bit of guidance
I don't know what to do, no I know but I don't want to do it
Because that shit will kills me
This is the fourth time
Am I cursed?
Am I fine?
"Just when I thought about growing up, doing something right"
These words, my God these words bury me alive
I finally got what I wanted
God I got what I was looking for
One simple small thing destroyed my life
Ain't that sick?
I just finally got what my heart desired
Now it has turned into the worst thing ever
Its like poison to my heart
I wake up every day dead
I wish pain killers helped with everything
I really need to stop hurting
I need to starting breathing
And live

It's a mess but I still love you ♥

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