she loved him dangerously, more than the air she breathes

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I stretched myself with a sharp thing
I remember it was a toothpick
I got up to make lunch
To try to get everything off my head
To take away all the anger
And the pain calms me down
I feel a little better
When I was done I sat in the dark,
listening to all the songs you sang for me
Why are you mean?, why are you jerk?
I don't know why you're hurting me

What did I do to you
I love you, I care for you
I am not even asking for much
I just want a third of your time
Maybe less
I miss you and,
I think you're doing this on purpose
Maybe you don't love me anymore
I called you four times
You didn't pick up your phone
Then why don't you tell me how you feel
At least set me free

Last night I took painkillers
I was trying to get rid of the pain.
But painkillers couldn't help this type of pain
The pain didn't go away
They were not made to help heartaches

Last night I drank a whole bottle of wine
I wanted to feel numb
But it didn't help my broken heart

Last night I cried myself to sleep
I went to bed with a shattered heart
All I wanted was your touch
A hug
You couldn't give me one
Does he really care??
No he doesn't!!
Girl this guy doesn't give a damn
And you're busy scaring yourself because of his ass
He'll leave you insane
I swear sometimes I want to sleep and not wake up
No lie
Because this is too much
It hurts to love with all your heart 
And then get only half that love back

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