"Everybody, stop," Deserae says in a loud whisper.

"Why," I ask.

"There are two people up ahead, that's why," She replies.

"Arkarian?" I ask my voice full of hope.

"umm, I think so," She says a smile spreading across her face.

"What are we waiting for, let's go!" I practically scream at them as I run ahead. I run until I see someone with long blue hair.

"There's only one person I know that has blue hair," I say with a smile.

"Arkarian!!!!!" I scream,still smiling.

( Arkarian Prov)

I was getting to know Max when all of a sudden I hear someone scream my name. I look in the direction of who screamed to see...Matthew?! I looked at Max panic on my face. As I looked at her I got an idea from her short hair dark blue hair. I quickly got out my pocketknife and stood up and cut my hair to try to look like more like her, hoping he can't tell us apart. 

"Why did you do that?" Max asks. I turned to look at her.

" To look more like you," I replied.

" I don't think you can now, " she said with a small laugh. She was going to say more but then Matthew showed up out of breath but smiling like an idiot. When he get's his breathing back to normal he notices there's two of us.

"Am I seeing things or is there two of you?" He asks.

"I can't tell you apart,"

" what are you twins!?"

" No, we're not twins, I'm the real Arkarian, she's a clone," Max says pointing to me.

"A what?!" He yells.

"Clone, you idiot," I say.

" Your my Arkarian," He says walking up to me.

"One, I'm nobody's and two how did you know it was me?"

"Your attitude," He says with a shrug.

"Well, I'm leaving, so bye," I say as I quickly pick up my bag and start to run away.

"Bye Max!!" I yell as I don't look back. I open my wings and start to fly because I wasn't running fast enough. Then I feel my wings go heavy. Oh great. I land in a tree to get the ice off my wings. " Why did you do that!?" I yell at Matthew as I try to get the ice off.

" You're just going to keep running away? What happened to Arkarian I knew, you never ran away from anything," Matthew says as he starts to try to climb the tree I'm in. I don't say anything. Why am I running? I think.

"Well, why are you running, what are you scared of?" He asks still climbing.

"I..uh...don't know," I replied.

"That's not an answer," He's now a couple feet below me.

" I don't have the answer you want," I said glaring.

"I mean, I just learned I'm not who I think I am, I'm a clone, so I don't even know anymore Matthew," I say frustrated and confused at the same time. Matthew's now a branch below me.

"That's not true, you know who you are," He said as he pulled himself up to the branch I'm on.

"How do I know who I am when I don't even know that," Matthew shakes his head then looks right into my eyes.

"Your Arkarian, always has and always will be,"I shake my head.

"How can you be so sure of that," Matthew gently grabs my face staring into my eyes and says,

"Because, I know you, your Arkarian, my Arkarian," My eyes go blurry and hot, I can barley see him. He notices and takes his hands off my face and moves away fast.

"What did I do?!" He asks panic in his voice.

"Nothing," I say as I wipe my eyes.

"You sure?" he asks. I nod my head.

"Are you coming back now?" Matthew asks hopeful.

"Maybe," I said sitting down on the branch. Matthew takes a seat next to me.

"Why, what's so bad about coming back?" I stare at our dangling legs noticing how high up we are not saying anything for a minute.

" You need to get back to everyone," I finally say not looking up.

"No," He replies seriously.

"Why?" I ask finally looking at him.

"Your part of the team, if you like it or not, it's in the prophecy," He said looking right at me with a dead serious look. I've never seen him like this.

"You're serious," I say.

"I'll think about it," I said turning away. He doesn't say anything. I stand up and start climbing again, not bothering to look back to see if he's fallowing. When I get to the top I take a deep breath. Then I hear something down below, I look to see Matthew climbing. "Why did you start climbing all of a sudden?" He yells. I just stare at him.

"Well?" He asks. I don't say anything,I walk to the edge of the branch I'm on. Matthew's now standing at the base of the branch.

"What are you doing?" He asks slight panic in his voice. I don't say anything.

"Will you talk to me...please!" He screams at me. I didn't expect him to yell, I lose my balance and start to fall.

"Arkarian!!" Matthew screams, horror and shock on his face. I start to freak out, then I remember I have wings, I open them and start to flap to stop myself from falling. I finally stop myself.

"That was close,"I say sighing. I fly back up to were Matthew is.

"You almost killed me!" I yell at him.

"Oh, now you're talking to me, so all I had to do was yell at you!" He yells back.

"No, I just didn't know what to say!"

"You should have just said that!"

"I need to go," I say sighing. He's starts yelling at me to come back, that we're not done talking. I ignore him and start to fly away, then I feel my wings get heavy. You have got to be kidding me! I land, quickly getting the ice off before he can climb down.

"Sense I can't use my wings I'll have to run," I say.

"Were do you think you're going?" A voice behind me says. A chill runs down my back making the hair on my neck stand up. I turn around slowly.

"Hehe, no where," I say with a smile.

"That's right, Deserae, Emily," My brother says, Deserae and Emily walk out of the shadows with rope.

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