Your lips tingled as they came in contact with the boy. You were so shocked by your own actions, however, you were even more shocked by Jungkook's reaction.

Instead of pushing you away and wiping his mouth harshly the boy did something you would never have thought he would do.

He kissed you back. His soft lips tangled with your own and soon enough the two of you were rhythmically moving your lips together.

The kiss was gentle and smooth. It wasn't a peck, nor was it a french-kiss. You didn't even realise that this was your first official kiss. You didn't realise that you had literally just given away your first real kiss to Jungkook. You didn't realise because right now it didn't matter. Your pride didn't matter. Your problems didn't matter either. All that mattered now was the fact that Jungkook had his arms wrapped around your waist and was holding you tightly against his body while you both kissed effortlessly.

After what seemed like forever, you pulled away. Both of you were out of breath and a bright red colour flushed your cheeks. After the euphoric moment had worn down, pure embarrassment dominated your body.

"I- ah I," you stuttered. You yourself didn't know what had gotten into you, so how were you supposed to explain your actions to the boy. "I um haha I k- I um," the awkwardness spread to your bones. You were acting so out of character right now, the confident and sassy girl that you usually were had vanished into a shy and awkward creature.

Why do I always end up in situations like this? You thought to yourself.

Because your dumb and have no common sense. Your inner conscious scolded.

Your thoughts side-tracked when you felt Jungkook suddenly wrap his arms around you.

You choked on your saliva. "W-what, I w-h, I'm conf-" you blabbered but Jungkook cut you off.

"I think I like you," the boy stated.

You froze.

WAIT HOLD UP WHATTT. Your thoughts were frantic. HE LIKES ME?

"Aren't you going to respond to that," Jungkook's voice once again snapped you back into reality.

"Hahaha -um- I like me too," you stated nervously.

Jungkook looked at you, a slight frown sketched upon his features.

"I'm being serious," he stated firmly.

You looked at him and sighed. You thought back to all those times that Jungkook had been kind and caring to you. When you thought about it, the boy wasn't that bad looking either.

"Umm, s-so what am I supposed to say now?" you asked sheepishly.

Jungkook smiled, "you don't have to say anything."

You took a deep breath. "I think I like you too?" you stated more like a question.

Jungkook laughed, "Okay cool."

"Ahh so do we like hug it out or..." you rubbed your forearm due to the awkwardness of the situation.

"Ewww hugging is so old-school," Jungkook stated like an annoying 5-year-old.

You made a face. "Fine, I didn't want to hug your ugly-ass anyways," you stated.

Jungkook gasped. "I will have you know, my ass is very beautiful, way better than those flat- ass pancakes you got there," Jungkook said with a smirk.

You raised an eyebrow. You leaned in close to him, so close that your lips touched his ears.

"Watch your mouth little kookie, I have a gun on me right now,"

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