Bonfires and Beers

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The cool October breeze was a beautiful breathe of fresh air. The concrete jungle known as Atlanta was taking its toll on her, mentally and physically.  Working nearly sixty hours a week was not only obnoxious, but unnecessary. Her boss, however, had thought otherwise. The public relations firm was beginning to thrive, making overtime mandatory. It was very rare to have a friday night off. There was always a party to host or event to be working, but this was an exception. October was a slower time right before the holidays began. She took this as the perfect opportunity to get back to her hometown of Bronwood, population 513.

She always wanted to get out of the small town life, begging to leave as soon as she turned eighteen. Now that she was twenty-six, she fully began to appreciate the quietness and almost nothing to do but ride four wheelers and have bonfires, like tonight. She made her way up the small hill into the clearing, her honey colored eyes twinkling in the light from the fire.

"Evie!" A familiar voice called out to her. Everly looked up to see her childhood friend Noelle waving like a lunatic, beer in hand.

Everly smiled, pulling her black leather jacket tighter around her and walking over towards the group.

Noelle extended her arms in a warm hug, "I am so, so, so glad to see you."

"Me too." Everly agreed pointing to her beer, " I'll be even more glad when you get me a beer like you got going on."

Noelle laughed and led her over to the Yetti cooler on the back of the black Chevy Silverado tailgate. She grabbed a miller lite can and handed it to her friend. Everly cracked it open and took a long swig, looking around, her eyes suddenly stopping. Noelle turned to see what Everly had stopped to stare at, but she already knew.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite tell you everyone that was going to be here when I called you earlier." Noelle bit the bottom of her rosy pink lips. She had left him out for a reason, fully aware that Everly would never agree to come out if she had known.

Before Everly could get a word out to scold her friend, he had made eye contact. He took a sip of his miller lite, looking down at the dying brown grass and back at her. Everly didn't know whether she should turn around and go home or chug her beer, put her big girl panties on, and go over to him. Netflix was calling her name, along with a nice warm and cozy bed. But before she could even shake her thoughts, he was on his way over in her direction.

Everly frantically looked at Noelle. The two acted as if they were in deep conversation.

"Excuse me..." His southern voice interrupting them.


"You're blocking the cooler. I would like another beer." He held up his empty can in his left hand, shaking it.

"Oh." Noelle backed away, moving closer to the fire. Everly was in tow, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to look straight up into his baby blue eyes.


"....hey." She managed to get out in a small voice.

"I didn't expect to see you home. It's been what? Eight years?"

"Yeah, just about." She laughed quietly. She took a sip of her beer, looking down at the can. After a few awkward minutes of just standing there, he reached out his hand, lifting her chin up to look at him again.


"Cole. Please." She sighed pulling away.

"Evie. I just want to talk. Please. Come take a walk with me?"

She searched his face for any sign of sincerity. Don't do it, her subconscious was shouting at her. It's a trap. He doesn't give two shits. He is the one that left you standing there eight years ago, alone. Don't do it. However, his softening facial features and pleading blue eyes got the best of her, like every other time. He took her small hand in his big rough one and led her away passed the trucks and groups of people. Noelle stood by the fire, watching intently. This is not going to be good, she thought shaking her head.

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