Start from the beginning

    "Spanky," he says to Crowley, pouting. I sigh.

    "I did not take you for the martyr type, Crowley," Lucifer says.

    "I'm really not," Crowley says. "I just hate you that much." Crowley throws Lucifer back into the wall with his powers and I reach down quickly to help Cas up. He has a little bit of blood on his cheekbone already.

    I notice Tommy in the room, standing against the wall looking scared. Obviously, who wouldn't be?

    I also notice two dead bodies, both men with long hair. The other band mates.

    "What are you doing, Lucifer?" Crowley says. "You mean nothing to those kids out there. You think they'd draw blood for you? By choice?"

    "Well, I thought I'd at least ask," he says, and my blood starts boiling. He gets up off the floor. "And if they won't give it up by choice, maybe I'll just take it." He takes a step closer. Come on buddy, take one more step closer so I can punch you in the face.

    "Why?" Cas asks.

    "Because it's fun," he says. "Because I can. And because being Lucifer, so much Judeo-Christian baggage. But Vince, he's famous. Everyone loves him."

    "And everybody hates you," I say.

    He puts his fist up and throws me back into a glass stand. I groan in pain and frustration. "Real mature," I say, trying to shake off the pain.

    "And I need love," Lucifer is saying. I notice Tommy trying to sneak out of the room. "I had a really jacked childhood. Hey, Tommy!" He says suddenly, noticing his band mate starting to leave. In one swift motion he lifts his hand and snaps Tommy's neck. I cringe and look away. Come on, that guy was nice.

    "You think this is fun?" Cas asks, obviously bitter about the death as well.

    "Oh, I wouldn't expect you to understand," Lucifer says. "I was inside you."

    Cas begins taking swings at Lucifer but misses most of them. "And you, bad doggy. Sit!" Lucifer yells, raising a guitar above his head, ready to strike Crowley.

    I conjure up some of my powers, seeing the blue light travel up my arm. I take a deep breath and reach out, holding my hands on either side of his head. A rush of blue light erupts from each of my palms, shining on Lucifer's temples. He tenses up and drops the guitar he was gonna hit Crowley with. I hold my breath, keeping my hands steady. I back up a little, and Lucifer stumbles back with me. I got him. Holy shot, I got him.

    "Get up, Crowley," I say through gritted teeth.

    Lucifer lets out another groan, obviously trying to fight whatever it is I'm doing to him. Crowley slowly gets up.

    I don't say anything, scared to break the spell.

    "Not so tough now, are you?" Crowley taunts to Lucifer. Okay, yeah, just keep ignoring my efforts. Thanks. "And now, the big bad Devil being overpowered by a girl." I would yell at him if I wasn't so busy trying to focus.

    I can faintly make out the sound of the fire alarm ringing. Yay for Sam and Dean.

    "Do something Cas, I can't hold him much longer," I say. Well, I damn sure can't rely on Crowley to do anything but talk, so Cas is my last day of hope. He grabs an angel blade and comes forward, but it's too late. Lucifer breaks free from my hold. My arms fall to my sides, aching terribly. I don't think it's from holding them up, but simply from using my powers.

    Lucifer knocks Cas to the floor again before coming towards me and wrapping his hand around my throat. "I told you that you would pay for that," he says. Then he waves his hand a little. I wince, thinking he's gonna hit me again but he just turns the music up louder outside where all the people are, in order to drown out the sound of the fire alarm. That way no one will leave.

    After a moment he drops me to the floor, as I try to get air in my lungs again. Now all three of us are on the floor. Oh shit.

    "Stick around for the after party," Lucifer says before leaving the room to go out on stage.

    I set my head on the floor and continue breathing. "Bailey?" I hear Cas say. I can hear Lucifer talking out on stage, and the fans screaming in retaliation, but I can't make out exactly what he's saying. "Are you hurt?"

    "No," I say. Then I hear a gunshot and a bunch of people yelling.

    Cas is already on his feet. He grabs the guitar that Lucifer used to hit him. Cas disappears onto the stage and I get up shortly after, going out as well. Dean is standing next to Lucifer, strapping the handcuffs on him. However he only gets on hand restrained before Lucifer throws him off the stage.

    I watch in slight horror as the Enochian handcuffs singe orange and fall right off. So much for Dean's idea.

    "Look guys, you know I could end you all with the snap of my finger," Lucifer is saying. I hide behind the wall a little, waiting for the right moment. "Why would I do that when you can't do anything to me?" Lucifer puts his hand out stopping Cas who was coming at him with an angel blade. Cas falls to the ground with a painful groan.

     "Why are you doing this?" Dean asks.

    "Why?" Lucifer repeats, mocking.

    "You and God made up," Sam points out. "You forgave him. What would he think?"

    Nice try, Sam, trying to make him feel guilty. But Lucifer doesn't feel anything.

    "Not especially interested in his opinion," Lucifer says. "Dear old dad, he finally apologized for abandoning me and what's the very next thing he does? He ditches me. And you, too, by the way," he points to Sam and Dean. He cares about them? I furrow my eyebrows. "And rides off into the sunset with Aunty Amara. He needed my help, and he'd say anything to get it."

    I notice a little brown spot on the left of his forehead that's slowly beginning to get later over the past few minutes. I realize what it is; his vessel is starting to fall apart. I better do something now.

    I hold my hand out, letting the power rush down my arm again. It flows in a blue line, reaching Lucifer. Instead of controlling him again, I just throw him down to the floor. With this power, it's easy to shove him down.

    I put my hand down and walk across the stage. "We all feel really bad for you," I say, mocking as I pull my angel blade out of the inside of my jacket. "You're in pain? That's okay, you won't be for long." I lunge at him with the angel blade but he seems to jump up in one swift movement, shoving the blade away from my grasp and grabbing me by the throat again.

    "You first," he basically growls. He actually lifts me up, only holding me by the neck, cutting off my air by the second.

    I place my hand over his wrist. He looks confused, disgusted that I'm even touching him. But then, I use every bit of energy left to get some power throwing through my hand. I watch as the light travels from my veins and into his.

    "No..." he says. I keep my hand there, continuing to put my energy into him. A bit of my poisonous, powerful soul energy.

    "No! Stop it!" I hold my hand over his wrist steady, keeping the power surging. He looks to be in pain, good.

    I'm glad that's the last thing I see before falling unconscious.


A/N: Hey dudes, I haven't updated in a while, sorry :/
Tinted reached 26k so thanks guys! Also this one hit 1k which is also cool! Hopefully I'll update again in a day or two, thanks for being patient. :)

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