Chapter 3

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When I woke up, it was to Ratchet's loud footsteps. I soon realized I was still laying against Optimus' chest but I was tired so I didn't bother moving. I almost fell back asleep again but Ratchet spoke.

"Optimus? Where are you?", Ratchet says.

I feel Optimus shift out from under me and place me on the couch. It immediately felt cold and I wanted my warmth back. I opened my eyes a smidge and saw Optimus' holoform fizzle out. I could hear him speaking quietly with Ratchet though I could not hear what they were saying. However, Ratchet kept glancing at me.

I had my eyes open now and rolled over to stare at the ceiling. There were butterflies in my stomach and I could not for the life of me figure out why. I heard footsteps come back over towards me and I quickly pretended to be asleep again. I heard the sound of transformation and I heard some footsteps come up the stairs.

I felt lightly touch my shoulder before speaking softly to me.

"Jaymen, I know you're awake", he says. I open my eyes and stare at him.

"How did you know I was awake?" I ask. He smiles softly as he helps me stand up. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach once again, this time stronger than before. I also felt my cheeks heating up.

"You became more tense", he says, with a smile gracing his face. I smile back at him before his holoform fizzles out and he transforms.

*time skip brought to you by Jaymen being bored*

It's about noon now and Arcee and Bumblebee were talking to Optimus about how two boys had seen her and Bee, blowing their cover.

"If the Decepticons are targeting us, anyone perceived as our ally will be at grave risk", Optimus says.

I sigh. Time goes slowly here. They scout for energon, fight Cons, talk to each other, search for energon. There is honestly not a lot of stuff for a human to do here. I think about the two boys. I'm guessing Optimus is going to have them come here. That'll be interesting. I yawn and decide to take a nap.

My mother had just set the table and had called me down for dinner. I bounce down the stairs happily and sit at my place at the table. My father sat down as well, next to my mother. Before we can even start eating, men barge into our home, giving us no time to react. Someone grabs a hold of me and makes me step away from my parents.

"Let her go!!" my father yells to the man holding me.

"Oh, I don't think that will happen", said the man. Everyone had masks on except for him. He had several scars going along his face.

"Who... who are you?", I whisper, my voice shaking.

"The name is Silas. Though, we are known as MECH", he says, glancing down at me. I look at my parents and I could see in their eyes that they know what I'm about to do.

They both shake their heads barely, telling me no. I plead with them. I can get us all out of here easily. They shake their heads once more.

"Now, little girl. Tell us where your robot friend is, or your father dies", Silas growls.

"What robot friend?!", I exclaim, struggling to get away. I hear a shot ring out and I look to my father. He's laying face down and there is a bullet hole in the back of his head. I scream and try to get away.

Lover's MeetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon