Chapter 7

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I was currently sitting on Optimus shoulder, watching him type. He was typing in Cybertronian. Little did he know, I could understand it, thought I chose not to read it because it was kinda boring. It was just a summary of what had happened over these past several days. Soon, Ratchet called to Optimus.

"Optimus, I'm receiving a signal on a restricted band", he says. "It appears to be coming from a starship inside this solar system." He types a few things before speaking again. "It's an Autobot identification beacon."

"So, there are other bots out there?", Jack asks.

"The masses scattered to the galaxies when Cybertron finally went dark...", Arcee says. " But cons have been known to bait traps with false beacons."

Optimus spoke, his voice deep and full of security. "Unknown vessel, this is Autobot Outpost Omega One. Identify yourself."

"I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat brigades", I hear, the voice sounding awfully familiar...

"Wheeljack!!", Bulkhead exclaims, surprising me and I almost fell off Optimus' shoulder. Optimus steadied me with his servo, and I smiled gratefully at him. I start listening again when Optimus speaks.

"Wheeljack? I know of him by reputation only", Optimus says. Wheeljack... Wheeljack... where have heard that name from... my eyes widen. Wheeljack! He taught how to use my swords! I get to see him again soon!! I smile happily before I realize he won't recognize me... not in this form... I sigh.

I hear where Wheeljack is going to land and I think for a moment. He won't be here until tomorrow. I frown before coming up with an idea. While the other bots are sleeping, I can sneak out and wait there, hopefully the other bots won't suspect where I am. I could write a note saying that I went exploring in the base. It's something I did often so they won't suspect me. I can convince Ratchet to go get some sleep, I've done it before. He tries to argue with me but I always win. Okay, the fact that I'm doing all this just because I want Wheeljack to remember me is kinda sad... sort of... I don't know anymore...

Soon, Optimus puts me on the balcony and the humans go home and the other bots go to sleep. Soon, it's just Ratchet and I.

I go over to Ratchet and watch him for a little bit.

"Go to sleep, Jaymen", he says without looking away from the computer screen.

"Nope", I say simply. He looks at me and I knew he knew where I was going with this. He sighs.

"Fine, I'll go to sleep", he says. I grin.

"Good Ratchet", I smirk, saying it like you would to a dog.

"But only if you go to the couch and sleep", Ratchet says.

"Fine...", I groan before going over to the couch. I lay down and close my eyes. When I don't here any movement, I look back up at him. He had gone back to work. I frown.

"Ratch, I'm not going to sleep until you go to sleep", I say. He sighs before looking at me.

"Fine", he says before walking away. I wait until I heard his footsteps fade away. I wait a few more minutes. Their berth rooms where in the back room of the base so I knew they wouldn't hear the bridge go off. I quickly write a note that I went to explore the base some more and then go to the computer.

I type in the coordinates and add some directions to close when I go through and to delete the coordinates. I open the bridge and quickly run through and smile as it closes behind me. I find a good place to hide before falling asleep.

When I wake, there is the sounds of battle. I smirk and see Wheeljack fighting several vehicons. I transform and run towards the battle, pulling out my dual swords. I attack the vehicons, grabbing Wheeljack's attention.

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