Chapter: It took me five minutes to realize

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"Let me help," Leslie gets the plate and asks me where I'm going to sit.

"Have a nice day," Captain Brown says. I begin to walk to the back of the room to a one seat booth. That will give her a clue.

"Okay, here you go," Leslie says. She puts the plate on the table. I sit and begin to eat.

"Welcome," she says. "Oh and I will be helping you all year long. I will be waiting for you outside the cafeteria."

"No," I look at her. "I dont want your help."

She frowns, "But the principal-"

"I will talk to him. You dont have to pity me. So stop talking to me or trying to be nice. I can do all the things you can."

"I dont pity you."

I chuckle, "go away."

The bell rings and soon people are coming in.

I look to the side and Leslie is gone. Good, can't stand her.


School ends and Lu comes for me. Leslie doesn't magically appear this time. Maybe she is going to leave me alone. Good.

Three days later: it's Friday and I'm in my.last class: AP Biology.

"the terms are due Monday, study them since it will help for the first exam," Dr. Price says.

"Sir," Florence sweet voice fills the room. I only see her back but that's enough for me. "Are the terms in red necessary?"

"No Miss, those are just for your reference."

The bell rings to dismiss us and people take off. I wait till Florence finishes. I haven't talked to her since the last time she was in the hospital room. She is putting her pink notebook in her pink backpack. She has a cute black skirt which shows off her slim legs. How I wish to caress them..

I begin to walk towards her but Troy gets between us.

"Are you staring at my girl?" Troy asks. He is standing in front of me.

Florence turns to us. She makes eye contact with me and quickly looks down.

"No," I answer.

Troy grins, "Dont ever talk to her, got it? She is my girlfriend now."

I nod.

"Come on Troy," Florence walks to the door. "Leave him alone."

Troy pushes me to a desk making me sit on it. "Hope you are doing well."

I sigh and get up. As I am walking to go outside, I see Leslie by her locker. I notice now she has loose boy jeans with a gray sweater on. Dude, it's still summer.

She closes the locker door and sees me. She smiles and waves hello. I roll my eyes. I haven't seen her since she helped me in lunch. I told the principal I don't need help, so he told her to back off.

"Hey wait , dont run!" she yells. She catches up to me. Ha so funny..

"How have you been?" she asks.

I dont reply.

"Well, are you going to do the homework for calculus today or tomorrow? Or are you the guy who does everything on the last minute?"

I stop at the school exit. "Look, you aren't my friend or anything."

"I know, but my auntie always says in order to make friends, you gotta talk to one. I am trying to make an effort here. I want to be your friend."

"why? Because I am disabled? Because you feel sorry for me?"

She looks at me in the eyes. I notice she has hazel gray eyes with long lashes. Its the only thing pretty about her appearance.

"No," she answers, "I want to be your friend simply because you  Intrigue me. You have something in your eyes."

I feel my heart begin to beat in an unusual matter.

She looks down at her converse. "I know that I'm not normal but Im trying. You should try to be yourself again." I look out the glass door and see Stan in the driveway.

"bye." I say. I open the door and begin to walk to the car.

Stan honks the horn, "Come on slow poke!"

"Im going!" I finally get there and get in. As two pop songs played on the radio, I realized it took me five minutes to discover that I actually miss Leslie. The.past days I was expecting her to pop out and ask me stupid questions. She wasn't siting next to me in math class which I thought it was weird but good. Why did I miss her though?

I wasn't thinking about her all day or whatever. And the thing she told me. She wants to be my friend because she likes me. I also realize that she's the first girl and person other than my family and doctor, that has talked to me. She didn't ask me first about my leg or why I walk weird.

She didn't look at me weird either.

"Hey, get out" Stan interrupts my thoughts.

Im home. I get out of the car and go to my room like always. Lu helps me change and asks about my day.

"I think I have a friend," I say.

Healing, Love, and High Schoolحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن