My voice is lost to the wind as he speeds across the land, whipping my hair around my face. It's a beautiful sight, his long legs eat up the earth. enjoying the run after being cooped up for so long.

We stop in a large flat field, the sound of running water fills the air as I hop off of Zev. He trots away presumably to shift back and I move towards the edge of the cliffs. The sound of water I hear is a massive, powerful, waterfalls that flow off the edge of the cliff.

"Not so close Thea."

Zev startles me as he pulls me back with tense eyes and places me on his lap, waiting no time.

"That man last night was a Naiad prince, Helix. He had been experimented on like I was but... worse."

I remember what that poor man looked like his crawling corpse scuttling across the room. Who would so something so horrible purposely and why was Zev so different.

"He didn't look anything like you."

"That's because he wasn't mixed like I am. Someone tried to stitch a demon and a man together but that would never be able to work. Demons lack a soul, they don't belong to this realm to try and force the barbaric."

I was starting to feel a little scared someone was able to do that to a man who was once normal, who had hopes and dreams, a life.

"H-How would anyone know how to do that I thought the Bedlam was the only one with that information."

He kissed my neck before responding, "She was last I checked that's what so odd. Someone is finding a way to continue her work."

"A-And why did he come after us."

"Whoever made him wants something from me or you. Maybe they just want to take you from me." He growls lightly.

It was terrifying to know that someone might be out there trying to kidnap me. They were experimenting on people, sending half demons to do god knows

"What did he mean when he said de vasil." I look to Zev trying to smother my fear.

"I didn't understand him at first but Samira speaks the old language. She said it's something witchs spoke long ago. It basically translates into the dead fairies. I'm not sure why he was chanting that."

"Do you think the Bedlam is still alive?"

"No, no I think someone is picking up where she left off someone who's been waiting a long time."

"That's comforting." I say sarcastically.

He almost smiles, "Well...there's more. If you still want to hear it?"

He looks down at me hoping I'll say no but instead I curl into him and nod my head for him to continue.

"Very well then. As you know I talked with Ardal and Samira about what I am and what it means for us."

This is what I want to know desperately. What it all means the intense emotions, the odd connection, him biting me.  He sets me down on the grass next to him so we're no longer touching. I don't like it but I won't say anything.

"I," he clears his throat, "I didn't know when I bit you what would happen, it was instinctual." I nod my head at him to go on, "I remembered something on the day I marked you, something I wasn't suppose to remember. The Goddess Anu, is the most worshipped of the Gods. She's a mother Goddess, creating magic, life and death. When the magic that made me what I what I am was created it was called soul magic. Soul magic requires one being to manipulate another's soul, to remake it in their own imagine instead of the creators. This magic was frowned on by the Gods it was their right to create the soul, no one else's. Anu saw that though soul magic had been outlawed people were still practicing it, sending these mutilated souls to the afterlife where even there they would find no peace. Since they were no longer a creation of the Gods they belong nowhere their souls would rot in the in between. Anu felt this was the worst part of soul tampering so she created a solution; a soul for a soul, anyone who suffered the effects of soul magic would be granted a soulmate, someone to help them regain the pieces of their soul that was taken. You are my soulmate."

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