Chapter 18

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So it's been a week since me and Austin's beautiful babies were born. We just had to go pick up their birth certificates and we were on our way home.

"Do you want something before we go home?" Austin asked

"Ummmm yeah.'' I said

"Well what do you want?"



We drove into the drive through and started ordering.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks. What would you like today?" The last asked.

"We'll take 2 medium mocha frappaccinos with extra whip." Austin said

"Okay and will that be all for you today?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay your total is 10.23 at the second window."

"Here are your two medium mocha frappaccinos extra whip, that'll be 10.23 please." The lady at the window said

"Okay here ya go.." Austin said giving her the money and handing me my drink.

"Thank you. Have a nice day!!"


"Alright I'm going to go and put the babies in their rooms." I said "I'll be back."

"Okay babe. Don't be too long. I want to watch a movie." Austin said popping popcorn.

"Can we invite Taitem and AC over?" I asked giving him the puppy eyes

"Yeah. Do you want me to call?" He asked

"Nah. I got it."


-Phone call-

T. Hello?

M. Hey!

T. What's up?!

M. Nothing just got done putting the babies down. Hey. If you and AC aren't doing anything, do you wanna come over and watch a movie with me and Austin?

T. Yeah! Let me ask AC.

M. Okay

T. Yeah we are coming. We'll bring the pizza!!

M. Okay. We have soda or water since you can't drink anything with alcohol. Ya know. Because your pregnant.

T. Yeah. That's okay though!

M. Okay. I'll see you later.

T. Okay. Love ya

M. Love ya bye.

T. Bye

-End of phone call-


So the guys wanted to watch a scary movie so me and Taitem went upstairs and watched 'What to expect when your expecting' and she started talking to me..

"Okay so my first appointment was coming up and I was wondering if you could come with me.." Taitem asked

"Yeah! What time is it?" I asked

"Ummm. I think it's like 12."

"Yeah. Let me just go tell Austin he has baby duty for like 2 hours."

"Okay haha. Hurry back though."

"Austin can you watch the babies for a few hours tomorrow? I'm going to Taitem's appointment with her tomorrow." I asked

"Of course babe." He said

"Thanks." I said pecking him on the lips

(Skipping the rest of the movie night)

"Okay guys!! I'll see you tomorrow!" I said

"See ya!" Taitem called back.


So here is a update for you guys... Sadly this book is coming to an end. There is only 7 chapters left.!! I'm making a sequel thought..! So don't worry..!

Thank you all that has read my book. It means the world..!

Read. Comment. Vote.

Stay fierce..! 🐯


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