Chapter 7: Planning the wedding

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It has officially been one month since Austin has proposed and we have gotten nowhere in our plans for the wedding.

We already know one think for sure,

Taitem will be my maid of honor because she absolutely deserves it, and AC will be Austin's best man because well, they are best friends.

Taitem & AC came to me and Austin's house to help us with our wedding plans, so we decided to ask them there about them being my maid of honor and Austin's best man.

I decided to tell Taitem first.

"Taitem. I have something to ask you something..."

"What is it? Good or Bad? Are you mad at me?" She said freaking out a bit.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down. It's good and no I'm not mad at you!! Why would I be?!"

"I don't know Nicole... Your a little crazy sometimes..." we started to laugh "okay. What's your question?"

"Taitem. Your my best friend in the ENTIRE WORLD and its my honor to ask you, will you do the honors and be my maid of honor at my wedding?"

"Oh my goodness Nicole!!" Her eyes were tearing up "Of course I will!!"

That was settled and now it's Austin's turn.

"And AC my man. Will you be my best man at my wedding?"

"Dude. I thought you would never ask, of course I will."

That was settled in a man hug and now all we have to do is find out where it'll be. Send out invitations. Get a place for the reception. Find out what the color of our wedding would be. And I will finally be married to the love of my life and I'll finally be knows as Nicole Bree Mahone.


-The next day-

So today we woke up, invited AC and Taitem over for help with the wedding again.

Taitem: "What color will the wedding dresses be?"

Austin: "We were thinking about red and white. What do you guys think?"

AC: "It sounds great!"

Taitem: "Yeah!! I love it!!"

Me: "Great!! Well that's settled. Lets go get some food. I'm starving!!"

"Me too." They all said together.

"Where will at though?"

"PIZZA!!" They all said at once.

"Looks like we are having pizza" I said

We got in the car. Drove to papa johns, and ate pizza together. Kinda like a double date.


"We should have a wedding in a really nice park, then set it up how we want." I said. "What do you guys think??"

"Love it!" Taitem and AC said

"Babe, it's an amazing idea! I love it. But not as much as I love you." Austin said.

Taitem and AC awwed and me and Austin kissed. Let me tell you. It was an amazing kiss too.


About a month after all the planning and all the late nights we stayed up talking about the wedding. We had everything planned out, and we were getting married on April 3.

Just one day before his birthday.

Then we would spend our honeymoon and his birthday in Hawaii, having the best three weeks of our lives.


Oh. My. Goshhhh. They are getting marrieddd.!!

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Stay fierceeee 🐯


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