Chapter 24: Highs and Lows

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"I think that one's Jacob." You say.

"You're probably right." Angela says.

"I'll go check on him."

"Nein. I'll do it. I'm on top anyways."

"You sure? I'm totally fine checking on our son."

"Yeah it's fine. I mean what if he's hungry? You're not the one with milk in their boobs."

You laugh and nod. "Alright. Go on ahead."

Angela pecks your cheek before getting off of you and walking out the door to check on your kids. You get up out of bed to change into your pajamas and take out Angela's as well before finishing your nighttime routine. Once you finish, you lay on the bed reading until Angela walks back in and sighs.

"Mission accomplished?" You ask.

Angela nods before stretching a bit. "Ja. He just needed a diaper change." She then yawns.

"Tired?" You ask already knowing the answer. She nods anyway. "I took your pajamas out. They're over there."

"Danke." She begins to change in front of you. "So tomorrow is our last day of our week off."

"I know. Don't remind me. Don't want to go back to work worrying about the well-being of our kids again."

"You contacted your parents right?"

"Yeah. They should be here in the morning."

"Why worry then?"

"Because they raised me?" Angela laughs at that remark. "Nah. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"I'm so glad they agreed to watch them while we worked."

"Of course they would agree. Quality time with their grandkids is a hard thing to turn down. Man, have I told you that you have a nice butt?"

Angela laughs before shaking it a bit. "Ja. Numerous times."

"If I wasn't so tired I'd so love to do more with it."

"In due time. Take one last look." She then puts on her nightgown.

You both laugh before Angela goes into the restroom to finish her routine. Once she gets out, she gets in bed and pulls the covers over herself. You peck her cheek and you both stare at the ceiling.

"So do you have any ideas how we can spend our last day of freedom?" You ask.

"There's quite a few things Toronto has to offer. Maybe we can go to CN Tower or the Royal Ontario Museum. We can also check out the Hockey Hall of Fame." She says.

"The Hall of Fame would be cool. Those are all good ideas actually."

"Well we can decide tomorrow. Our brains our tired plus we don't know when we'll be waken up."

"You're right. Goodnight Angela."

"Gute nacht (y/n)"

You kiss and then fall asleep in the other's embrace.


You and Angela decided the next morning to check out the CN Tower. Once you guys do everything to get ready, you put Sarah and Jacob in their car seats and drive off to the tower. When you get there, you remind Angela of a certain subject.

"You know Sarah and Jacob probably won't remember this visit, right?" You say.

"Just means we'll have pictures to tell them stories about it." Angela replies.

"I guess so. We'll enjoy it for sure though."

"Ja. Definitely. Verdammt. There's no where to park."

"One's bound to pop u- There! Right there!"


"You passed it. It's to the right- aaaaaaand it's gone."

Angela mutters a curse in German. "Guess we're trekking on. Wasting fuel and time."

"It's alright. It won't be too crowded. Tower is open for a while. Plus we have an hour until our reservation for the restaurant."

"Aha! There we are! Found one." She says turning into the spot. "Perfekt. Not too far from the entrance."

"Alright! Let's get this show on the road shall we?"

You get out of the car, get the sleeping twins into the stroller, and head into the lobby. It's quite big, with signs in both English and French so no one in Canada got lost. You go up to the counter and buy two tickets, since your little ones were free. Once you do that, you go in line for the elevators to go to the top, pushing the sleeping little ones in the stroller.

"I hope you're not afraid of heights." You say.

"Miststück I fly on the battlefield." Angela retorts.

You laugh quite hard at her retort. "Fair enough."

After waiting a while the elevator arrives and you board. You shoot up to the top of the tower in the crowed elevator, needing to pop your ears a couple of times. Finally you get to the top, reaching the SkyPod level. After letting out a couple of people out, you and Angela walk out, seeing the breathtaking view of Toronto and Lake Ontario. 

"Es ist wunderschön" Angela says, almost in a whisper

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Es ist wunderschön" Angela says, almost in a whisper.

You nod your head in agreement as you make your way towards one of the windows. You could see a great view of Lake Ontario from one area and if you looked the other way downtown Toronto. Your wife walks up next to you and you quickly kiss before looking at the view again.

"It truly is breathtaking." You say, not taking your eyes off of the view.

"Indeed, mein lieber." Angela agrees.

"Hey I can see our house from here."

"Haha. No you can't. Not from this view at least."

You chuckle and put an arm around Angela, taking in the view. She takes a picture of the two of you with the city behind the two of you and later gets someone to take one of the whole family. This was something you wouldn't forget.

(A/n) FINALLY! Yes. I know. It's not as long as some of my other chapters, but it's fluff. Cute fluff, but fluff. I promise we'll start the Cyborg arc soon. I just wanted a chapter with the family before the kids turn into toddlers. Next chapter may be a bigger time skip than most, so we'll see. Anywho, thanks for your patience. If you didn't see my announcements, I lost internet for a few days and had kind of a hectic week, but on the bright side classes are cancelled until the 26th. Yay! On another note, I'm working with an author you may have heard of who goes by Jedi1997 on a story you may find interesting. It's gonna be Venom mixed with Overwatch. We have to work out a lot of details, but the first chapter will hopefully come out sooner. We both have busy schedules so patience is required. Then again, if you follow both him and me, you're used to that kind of thing. EXCELSIOR! (R.I.P. Stan Lee)

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