Chapter 5

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Devin walked the dark,wet streets of Third Ward, just hoping to find a lick. He mainly searched for unlocked cars in hopes of cash, or other valuable items, being inside. He avoided physically robbing people anymore, he had a mother and aunts, and he couldn't fathom the thought of someone attacking them. When he first started out, he never thought of things that way. But at 24, Devin was only on the streets, because he had to be.

He was only out to get his hands on some money for his rent. He didn't want to hear his mother's mouth about him being a failure, if he came knocking at her door. Devin's thoughts ran wild, until he finally stumbled upon a car that appeared to be abandoned.

The windows on the car were foggy, but Devin could still tell the doors were unlocked. He's been doing this a long time. Devin opened the passenger door and was startled, as an older gentleman leaped off of a woman, and fell against the back seat. Devin regretted the decision immediately. The pants the guy wore were jumbled around his knees, and Devin quickly turned away. He was not trying to see what a man was working with.

"What the fuck, man?!" The older guy yelled at Devin. "Can't you see we're busy? Get the fuck outta my car!"

Devin was just as shocked as the older man was, but not because he was caught, before he could steal anything.

The young lady the man had just jumped off of, was Tiffany. Devin slammed the door and stormed away, discombobulated, and angry as hell. He was no longer interested in what he had come out to do in the first place.

How could she?

"Devin, wait!" Tiffany was fixing her clothing and walking in Devin's direction, heels clicking against the concrete. The street light shined on the skimpy clothing Tiffany was wearing, and Devin shook his head. He really could not believe her.

"Tiff, are you cheating on my brother?!" Devin asked her, angrily. "I can't believe you're married with two kids, and you're cheating! Kevin works his ass off to support you and the boys, and this is what you do?" Devin asked, signaling to the car they had both just gotten out of. Tiffany started to cry, but Devin didn't care. He was about to continue, but she began to talk.

"Devin, I'm a prostitute," she managed to say through her tears. She shook her head and sniffed, as she stared at the wet ground in front of her. The thunder roared, and Tiffany shuttered, still not making eye contact with her brother in law.

Devin ignored the lightening and frowned at Tiffany. "You're a what?! You know, Tiffany? I really don't fucking believe you right now. You get caught red-handed, and lie about being a prostitute? I've never met a nurse who had to sell her body, so just cut your bullshit. And yes, I'm telling Kevin. So don't think your infidelity is safe with me, because it isn't."

"D, please. Just listen to me," she pleaded. Tiffany wiped her tears and gave Devin an ear full. "I was never a nurse, I only went to school 1 semester. You know how sick I was when I was pregnant with KJ, so I had to stop going. Kevin got laid off from corporate America almost 2 years ago, and he never looked for work after that. He started making me sell my body to pay the bills, and this is how we survive."

Devin looked into Tiffany's eyes, searching for deception, but there was none.

That's why Kevin always came with some bullshit excuse when I approached him about a job.

"Tiffany, are you serious?!" He started to feel bad for snapping at her. Devin's big brother mode kicked in instantly. "Does he even watch out for you while you're out here? It's 3 a.m.!"

"D, I never know where Kevin is. He leaves the house all throughout the day, and only comes back when it's time for me to go out and make the money. So to answer your question, no. He doesn't even stay with the boys, he drops them to my mother and leaves. He tells me that I better not call him until I'm ready, and not a second sooner."

Devin shook his head in disgust. Maybe his mother was right about he and his brother having nothing in common, except their identities. Devin would never do something like this to the mother of his children. Let alone, his wife. He never knew the side of his twin brother, that Tiffany was obviously very familiar with.

Tiffany tapped her heel on the wet sidewalk, because she still couldn't look at Devin. She watched a few cars go by before she changed the subject. "And what were you doing? Out here back to your old ways, huh?" Tiffany wiped her eyes and gave Devin a half smile. "Don't worry, we all do things that we don't want out in the open, so your secret is safe with me."

Devin hugged Tiffany. "I'm about to go home, while I still have one."

"Huh?" Tiffany asked.

"Nothing," he answered. "How long will you be out here? Do you need a ride home? I still can't believe my brother has you doing something like this. You're his wife for God's sake."

"I'll be out here until right before the sun comes up, so I still have a little while to go." Tiffany signaled to an oncoming car and began to walk across the street. "Devin, don't mention this, okay?" She pleaded over her shoulder.

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